TL2 Crossbow
Damage thr+4
Acc 4
Range x20/x25
Weight 6/0.06
RoF 1
Shots 1(4)
ST 7/two hand
Bulk -6
$2 per bolt
TL3 Pistol Crossbow
thr+2 imp
Acc 1
x15/x20 range
4/0.06 weight
RoF 1
Shots 1(4)
ST 7
Bulk -4
What do all those stats mean?
EDIT: Are there no Feat things I could take to decrease reload rate, or increase RoF?
With fast-draw (arrow/bolts) you can shave a second (if I remember correctly) out of the reloading time. Other than that, there aren't that many options for what you want.
TL Is Tech Level. TL 3 is medieval, TL 4 is around Renaissance/age of sail, TL 5 would be industrial Revolution.
Thr+x is damage, that is base thrust damage for the ST (in case of bows and crossbows, the ST the weapon is rated, not your own) plus x.
Weight is weight in pounds. After the slash is for the ammo, per "full magazine", or in case of normal crossbows, a single bolt.
Acc is accuracy. If you spend a turn aiming, you get that number as a bonus for your attack. If the weapon is of high quality this number might be higher by 1 or 2.
Range, in case of bows and cross bows is a multiplier that you apply to a something (I believe it's basic thrown distance, but I might be wrong right now), which is based on ST (again, the weapon's, not yours), to get final range, in yards.
RoF is rate of fire.
Shots is how many shots it can shoot before reloading. Inside the (x) is the reloading time in seconds.
ST is the minimum ST to use the weapon. This is not the same that the ST the weapon is rated at. I need to re read the specific rules though.
Bulk is basically the size of the weapon. A high bulk make it difficult to fire on the move, or to conceal the weapon.