I felt pretty directionless in college. I didn't know what I wanted to do, so I didn't really are about doing very well. I knew I was a smart person and felt like I didn't need to try. So I didn't and my grades slipped. Managed to graduate within 4 years with a useless psychology degree and a 2.62 gpa, which won't get you far. Now I am 29, and in a paper pushing job that, while critical, isn't important enough to garner a decent wage. That's been my life for 6 years now and I've hated every minute of it.
Sometimes we have to hit rock bottom before we are ready to make a change in our lives. So a couple of years ago I took matters into my own hands and am self teaching new skills. But now I desperately wish I could redo my college experience with the focus I have now. Here are a few thoughts that I think would have helped me.
1, Quit smoking weed. ok, this is an assumption, but if you are anything like I was, you are probably doing this more than you should and you know it. Excessive dopamine spikes are linked to longer term depression. But don't worry, they'll eventually legalize it, so when you are a working professional, live it up on the weekends, or just live out your retirement years having a ball. But you and I both know that it makes you more complacent with doing nothing in a time where you should be doing something constantly.
2, Get on a regular sleep schedule. I turned day into night, and then back into day. I think people are always going to be creatures of habit. so set a standard bedtime within normal hours and stick to it.
3, Start going to the gym. Your campus probably has one you can use for free, so use it. A strong body supports a strong mind.
4, Never let yourself feel entitled to breaks or a time off. Despite what they say, you can't go crazy by working too much.
5, Make lists of both long term and short term goals. So for long term stuff, things you want to accomplish with 1 to 5 years, like learning a language, or programming, or finishing school etc,. then make lists of what you want to accomplish within the week, preferably that day. Something that is great to do for a day you don't have work or class, the day is completely yours to do with as you please, so don't let time slip by you and get squandered. You are more likely to do something if you identify it as an objective.
Hope I am not sounding too preachy and I hope you feel better.