I have never played a RTD before. But I have stayed around on these threads for about a week now, so I get the basic idea of how this works. You can check the rules and such to be safe, but this should be a standard RTD, nothing too fancy.
The game will use a standard 1d6 to determine an outcome. For those who are unaware, here are the possible outcomes and what roll is required to get them:
0: Critical Disaster - You fail your intended action so bad that the overall situation becomes as bad as potentially possible
1: Disaster - You fail your intended action, making the situation a little worse in the process
2: Failure - You fail your intended action, but at least your situation doesn't get worse
3: Partial Success - You somewhat succeed, but not as much as your intended action would imply
4: Success - Your intended action succeeds
5: Critical Success - Your intended action succeeds, so well in fact, that the situation is made as best as possible
6: Overshoot - You succeed so much that you actually fail. Well, lets just say your intended action is reached, but something bad triggers in the process
7: Critical Overshoot - You succeed your intended action, but do it so dang well that your situation just ends up as bad as possible
[spoiler=Combat, Dynasty weapons and spell trees] Combat will be done based upon an attack roll and defense roll, with small modifiers thrown in as well [attack] - [defense] = damage. If the defense is higher than the attack, then the attacker will gain -1 attack for his next move. If the damage is 3 or more, than the defender will receive a critical hit to himself, taking 3 extra damage. This may make attackers seem more powerful, so they will also get to use armor, which can give them +1 to their defense roll. However, the armor will degrade quickly, only able to deflect 2 potential hits.
Runes are items that you can earn throughout your adventure. Runes are magical items, but don't improve your magic spells, oddly. There are two things you can do with runes:
1. Increase health permanently by 1 at any time
2. Go to a shop and sell it for 3xp points to your dynasty weapon. Shops are found during the journey
If you decide to gain extra health, then you will also regenerate 1 extra health, but not all of it.
The idea for dynasty weapons was inspired by the Heroes of Might and Magic series, and works in similar ways. Instead of always using spells, as they are powerful, you must also carry along with you a weapon. This weapon is unique and nothing can replace it. Instead, it grows with you. As you use this weapon, it gains experience. When you defeat a monster that you used the weapon against, it will gain 1 exp point. Gain enough, and your weapon will level up. There are 3 tiers you can pick for your weapon:
ATTACK: Level 0: Standard
Level 1: 5 xp - Gain 3 extra attacks to use after your first. The defender will be unable to defend this attack, and it will destroy armor. However, you can only use 1 extra attack per turn, and after all 3 are used, you gain no more. Use them wisely!
Level 2: 10xp - Gain +1 attack whenever you attack with your weapon
Level 3: 15xp - Super strike: allows you to make your next attack a critical hit, regardless of your attack. If the defender has more points, then this attack is rendered useless. Has a 5 turn cooldown, regardless of whether the attack succeeded or not
Level 4: 20xp - Godlike: Your power grows beyond normal levels. If your health falls below 5, any successful attacks you make, regardless of whether you are using the weapon or not, will have double damage
TACTICS: Level 0: Standard
Level 1: 5xp - You gain 3 backstab attacks. If the attack is successful, you will deal double damage, with no regard for amour. You can only use this once a turn, and 3 times for your entire lifespan. However, if this attack fails, you do get to keep your backstab attack for later (I.E. you try to backstab a troll but he has a higher defence rating than you. You do not lose any backstab attacks)
Level 2: 10xp - Gain +1 health every 3 turns
Level 3: 15xp - Tactical strike: Your attack will be well aimed and precise, hitting your enemy and causing them to fumble a rune. All monsters carry 1, but can only be taken through this move. Can only be done every 3 monsters. (so your 1st monster, 4th monster, 7th monster, 10th monster etc)
Level 4: 20xp - The power of the elements: Whenever your health drops below 5, you may imbue your weapon with an element, giving it 2 extra damage
NINJA Level 0: Standard
Level 1: 5xp - You gain 3 stealthy strikes. These hits instantly kill an enemy with lower than 5 hp. This attack ignores armor, and will always succeed if the enemy has lower than 5hp
Level 2: 10xp - Gain a double damage attack every 4 turns. This ability can be kept if the defender roles higher, but it doesn't stack
Level 3: 15 xp - Swift swipes: You gain 2 attack, but this requires a lot of strength. If you have 10 hp or less, then you lose your 2 attack
Level 4: 20xp - Healthy kamakazi: A suicide attack made less suicidal, this attack will work when you have 5hp or less. It hits the opponent normally, but saps however much health your attack hits for and gives it to you. Only works every 3 monsters, but can save your life if used correctly with luck. You can use this attack as many times as you like if you are under 5 hp and have waited for the cooldown of 3 monsters.
Now for the spell trees. These are basically the spells you inherit. The spells add 1 extra attack and 2 extra damage, but can only be used every 4 turns, and will be wasted if the defender gets a better . They are very powerful and made to take down monsters effectively. Each one has a special added effect to further aid you
FIRE: Pyromancy is a common practice in many mages, favoring destruction over anything else. A successful attack will deal 3 extra damage rather than 2
NATURE: If there is one thing the elves had right, it was the power of nature. A successful attack will sap the target of 2 hp, regardless of attack damage, but only if damage is dealt
EARTH: Hardy and strong, Earth users have powerful, penetrating attacks. Destroys armor instantly, and the armor is destroyed regardless of whether this attack hits or not. If there is no armor, then it gives the defender -1 attack, but only if the attack hits
FROST: Cold is the void. Frost tends to be colder. Successful attacks will slow the enemy, giving you a free shot
DARKNESS: Shadows are your best friend, and this spell uses the power of the shadows to give you the upper hand. This spell is different from the others on how it works. This spell shrouds you into the shadows, giving you a free roll, but missing your first attack. The free roll is given double damage, then the normal 2 extra damage. (If I roll a 2, I will do 2x2=4 damage then another 2. 4+2=6. So 6 damage all up)
LIGHT: Shadows are your worst enemy, and this spell uses the power of brightness to give you the upper hand. A successful attack will give your next roll +1, whatever it may be, attacking or moving.
RUNIC: A hidden spell from the normal elements, but still highly useful. Successful attack will give you a rune.
You may choose 2 of these trees, and you will gain their powers for your journey. You cannot change however, so choose wisely...
I will take 6 people to begin, and have a waitlist for those who wish to join after a previous hero dies in a fantastically bad way. You may reserve a slot while you think of a character and skills to take. Tell me what you think and let the RTD begin!