I'd just like to tell everyone here that's new to mabi, when a new patch comes the game pretty much always bugs out for a while. It is normal, do not worry. Now let's move on to the update.
Dungeon Running 102-2 A brief amendment.
Solo tactics for offense and defense on alchemy. (As a note, Alexwazer, feel free to write up an update, this will likely be very rough.)
Alchemy - Now... Alchemy isn't terrible in offense, but it's a lot like magic without advanced magic, and their chain casting equivelent takes a while to get set up. DOn't expect bone crushing numbers out of alchemists, but water cannon (A single target high damage skill) and Flame Burst (A conical AoE going out from the user), aren't terrible and can really wreck some days. They have about the same range as magic? Maybe less. Howeve,r they do stil have one trick, SUMMON GOLEM! With this they well... summon a golem. Only they control the golem directly, which is in essence giving them melee combat, and pretty hefty melee combat at that, without putting themselves at risk. Very nice. Well.. they leave their body behind while they control the golem, so perhaps not at risk is a poor way to put it. But it's still very nice. And if you do it well you really aren't in any real danger in a dungeon.
Alchemy - Here we go. Alchemy gets a skill called barrier spikes. It creates a small length of wall that enemyes can't go through, and remember, enemies are very poor at navigating around obstacles, on top of the fact that if they attack it, they take damage. It can be broken, but generally it is a wonderful thing for ranged charecters to hide behind, and set up right, they can create an impenetrable bunker for them. Handy in many ways, an amazing skill. Other defensive skills include windblast which knocks an enemy back for miles, unfortunately it has wierd cooldown going on (If you use it more then a few times, the cylinder breaks and can't use it for a length of time afterwords), so you can't pull a windblastwall thing, at least not for more then a few shots. Another is Sand Blast, which has the same limitations as wind blast, by the way, but it loads 5 seperate blasts, like ice bolt (the other skills either don't stack (windblast) or work like firebolt in it means more stacks more damage (Water Cannon,Fire Burst) the more you put in, up to five. However, every time you use it it adds another 15 seconds to the cooldown so... yeah. Hefty cooldown, but when you hit something with it, it has a chance to be blinded, which prevents it from moving or attacking for a few seconds, which I don't need to explain why it's a huge boon. Unfortunately beyond these skills, alchemy range is kind've short, so while you might occasionally get an enemy knocked off you by a wind blast, it's usually not going to be the case. Think warriors with magic style skills/support skills and a slightly longer range, and you've got it.
Next update tomarrow. Was gonna do it today but NEW PATCH OH MAN