Update because update. THis time Math. Before all this, it needs to be noted, the dungeon rooms in math are slightly smaller. This really isn't an issue for you, because most of the enemies do not have AoEs. But take note.
Math normal(One really long floor) is a lot like Ciar. Most of the threat comes from archers and the boss. Now, normal kobolds do not multiaggro, like goblins, but archers will. Basically goblins with less HP. Aside from this there are random spiders and mice and such, and a couple of very rare spawns, namely, a giant skeleton, which is a normal skeleton with more HP. Around 610, maybe a lot if you're still fresh outta the gate, but you'll quickly outpace him. Not an issue. The other rare spawn? Pocket mouse. It has magic, mana drain (which is an ability that levels up a monster when you hit them with a magic attack that doesn't knock back so basically don't use magic that isn't firebolt.) It also has Mana Deflector and Natural shield. Nothing terrible, but still worth noting with mana drain. And another paralell to ciar that I forgot to mention (it'll be edited in after this), Poison Kobolds. Normal kobolds, except they multiaggro. Be aware.
Boss? Three hellhounds. If you're solo, PULL THEM OUT, OR STAY AWAY FROM THE OTHERS. THEY WILL MUTLI-AGGRO AND THEIR FIREBOLT WILL WASTE YOU. Like all casters, just rush em. Make sure there's not another on you and make sure firebolt never goes off, and you'll be fine.
Going straight to Math Advanced.(Four floors) New stuff, red kobolds. They will multi-aggro, and they have higher stats then normal kobolds. Gold Kobolds, which really aren't notable, normal humanoid mob, smash, defense, counter. And red kobold archers, which are kobold archers with more stats. Now for the stuff which is, ya know, not kobolds. Sprites! These things are like wisps, basically, but elementally focused. Wisps are basically "lightning sprites". Fire sprite, Ice sprite, both are casters, just rush them, watch for smash because smash will always fuck you up, otherwise you're probably good. Next up, Small Troll. Basic humanoid mob with a lot of health, fairly uncommon. They also have rest, but you'll never seem the use it aside from when they spawn, or if you get killed by one. So basically expect them to heal to full or near full by the time you get back. And finally, the skeleton hellhound. Basically a skeleton wolf with higher stats, no firebolt either. Treat them like a wolf.
Boss? Initially, two skeleton bards, and two giant skeleton hellhounds. Giant skeleton hellhounds are skeleton hellhounds with higher stats, we've been over skeleton bards. But there's a trick! If you kill the hellhounds first, the Skeleton Bards will hulk out and turn into metal skeleton bards. Higher defense, they gain smash, windmill, multi-aggro and heavy stander, and lose musical skills. Skeletons, but tougher.
There are also Math advanced for two and three, but they are exactly the same as advanced. Same floors, same monsters, same boss. Different rewards but we're here for monsters, not loot. You get to discover the loot yourself.
Next time Rabbie, after that, probably barri.