Now for some reasons to drop by the steam chat. Me(Mobliz), Alexwazer(Donryu), ElfEater (MaxYeskly), and Ozymandias(ozythesage), went on a run into rabbie. I was originally kind've worried about Ozy and ElfEater, because they're still fairly new to the game, and while rabbie isn't AMAZINGLY HARD it has a tendency to punish mistakes pretty brutally. We went for it anyway, because Alex is a pretty well set up dude and could easy get any huge mob under control with windmill and final hit. Luckily, that wasn't necessary.
All images courtesy of ElfEater by the way.That image doesn't really get the idea of rabbie, the real threatening monsters are skeletons and skeletal wolves. Obviously no pictures were taken of them because they're, ya know, actually hard and threatening.
Max and Ozy did pretty well, max died a couple of times, but overall, given the relative difficulty of the dungeon, that was pretty damn good. Ozy also died once, but again, really nice, given my first run of rabbie I died like, 10 times or something rediculous, admittantly I was soloing it, so it was a bit different, but still, they did really nice, and, even if accidentally at times, managed to support each other pretty well.
Both max and ozy brought firewood, so we took the time to regen a bit right before the boss. The boss may be familiar to most of you...
A vile force of darkness has arrived!Yep, small army of goblins. Gold goblins to be specific, but all that means is they're slightly tougher then your average goblin. The typical strategy for this is to use ranged attacks to kill the goblin archers, then pull single goblins out one at a time, because they will gang up on you two to one, and that's really nasty for even well established players. Donryu managed to chop the army down to size with final hit, and gave the rest of the gang wiggle room to melee them, and provide some long range support.
So, the goblin army routed, who knows why they were miles underground, the gang headed off and the rest of the day was fairly uneventful.
Good times though, a group run of a dungeon is always a great time!
Hopefully there'll be more of these minor dungeon summaries later on, there's actually a ton of dungeon varieties. Thanks again to ElfEater for the screenshots, dunno why Irfanview didn't wanna work with it.