No, I have not forgotten that map where you pick up the VIP in the trench. Bad map. Bad map! Stay away!
That's a terror mission map.
Nah, I don't think so. Don't recall it as a terror site. And checking UFOpedia, I don't see any "trench"-like terror maps.
As somebody who never played the original EU, I have never seen them.
Too bad tinkering is required.
Well, I've done it, and it wasn't too bad. You'll want to read the comments though.
Using Long War, what I did was:
1: Manually copy and rename the needed files. The mod creator notes what you need to do in the comments. You can use the provided batch file, but there's always the potential for it to not work.
2: Include the provided UPK files with the copied files, to eliminate some problems that were noticed.
3: Use
PatchUPK/PatcherGUI to use the provided patches (the additional text files).
4: Uncommented the required lines from the file that selects maps. See the readme.
5: Removed ".upk" from "patch_hideroofs.upk" and "patch_museum_multi.upk" in the lines for those maps (someone said they cause it to crash).
6: Tweaked the InitialChance=999 to InitialChance=20. I'm not 100% sure what it does, but I suspect it's something about whether the game chooses the maps.
Takes time, but hardly the hardest thing to do. If you're curious, you might as well do so--the alternative is playing an EU campaign until you get those maps.
And, when I played afterwards, no crashes, and I played both Gas Station and Demolition successfully. Unfortunately, texture problems did exist, but I could play the maps successfully anyways. Haven't got the museum yet, though, I'm still waiting for it.