Angry story:
I was playing vanilla EU classic ironman yesterday and I had two terrible missions back to back.
I've won the game twice before but I've never gotten the blaster launcher before; I thought you had to get the slingshot DLC in order to get blaster launchers. I figured it out because I was trying to get the achievement for researching all topics, and I found out that you had to beat a battleship crash to get it. It always made me super mad that all my dudes had shiny chrome guns, pistols, grenades, armor, but the heavies only had the plain olive green launchers, so I was supes excite to get the fucking things so I could finally have a squad that matched perfectly.
So my dudes landed to handle the battleship crash which I immediately got on the next intercept just by wanting it really bad (I hadn't had a single battleship the whole playthrough). They've got all the best gear (
except blaster launchers grrrrrr). I always roll two heavies, two supports, one sniper and one assault. Or all SHIVs, but not this time. This was too important.
Mission start. Have to use all our medkits and smoke and two rockets leaving just one regular rocket, I waste some time investigating the other two areas where you can start the mission, but we make it to the end without anyone getting dead, and everyone's still got good health. We even survived activating two sectopods at the same time. So the end: I was keeping score in my head so I knew there were exactly two pods. Three mutons possibly elite (because there's no way there'd be three sectopods), and one ethereal with his elite muton bodyguard. Everyone dashes to set up on the door, except one dude, who's right next to the door. I go to press overwatch...I fucking hit A on accident (Xbox controller). Door opens, muton+ethereal wake up. Everyone's out of actions. Such rage has never been seen before (I just groaned a lot). Of course they kill two of my dudes on the next turn. We manage to kill them without taking any more casualties but everyone is hurt really bad and we're out of medkits. Sniper is still alive with one HP so I'm like "ugh just go set up and everyone else go". Boom, elite muton activation, everyone except the sniper is out of cover. Agh. Ugh. Ergh. *rolls around* UEGH. Everyone dies except the sniper and one other dude who survived critically wounded, and all the salt is washed away because wooooo blaster launchers ayyyyyy--
So I was feeling good, then there was a terror mission and we activated one sectopod right away. I figured "pfff no problem I've got six dudes what could go wrong." He killed four people. Now I just want to evacuate so I can save my one psi dude for the Gollop Chamber but...there's no extraction zone.
Welp. ._. Just gonna have to buy more rookies.
Or you could just save nonstop every single action, but that seems so incredibly lame.
I do this when I play Fallout Tactics because I have to win without wasting a single item or taking any casualties. But in something like new/oldCOM where I can keep playing after a TPK my laziness enforces ironman playthroughs. I only scum in oldCOM when I mistime an intercept, because I can't stand having to waste time throwing flares on night missions.