Bumping to note an interesting bug on the "rescue that general" council mission.
So you know how there's a soldier who is part of Van Doorn's entourage, hiding behind a car (depending on the map) midway between your squad and where Van Doorn is taking cover/hiding? This bug somehow causes this soldier to swap identities with Van Doorn:
You can end the mission immediately by sending this guy to the Skyranger. I'd suppose if he were killed, it would cause you to fail the mission too:
I'm not sure exactly what causes the bug, given that EW decided to crash twice while I was playing. I'd consider it irreproducible for now, so I'll hold on to the save file from this mission.
Also, a little elaboration on the boring circle mentioned in the previous post: you can't timewarp by scanning for activity in mission control, because the game assumes that you're going off to fight the good fight on the temple ship, and removes the option to scan for activity. However, time doesn't stop completely while you stay in mission control, it ticks along at about 1min/sec, so if you're patient enough you can wait things out. Events continue to happen as well - I managed to shoot down a battleship class UFO while waiting for some genemods to complete, and then ended up waiting for the injured from the battleship crash site raid to recover..