I forgot how terrible this game is in certain fundamental regards. The panic spiral is a laughably poor mechanic for a game with this sort of money riding on it, and the RNG is like casino gambling; fun, exclusively while you are winning. Frankly, I think everyone would benefit if it just randomly did a secret check to fudge the odds in the player's favor. A challenge is all fine and well, but it's also usually it's irrelevant to X-Com gameplay.
What's more, it would be nice if the game told you what sort of situation a unit was getting into before you positioned him in a certain spot, as advancing to cover only to find themselves unable to fire has been the death of too many good men.
Note: If you were planning on typing the words "That's," "X-Com," and or "baby" within the proximity of three sentences of each other, just leave your physical address and preference of shot or slugs instead.-NON-AMERICAN SOLIDER ACCENTS
They're making it? Cool.
Apparently so. Your German soliders will speak and sound German, your French soliders will speak and sound French, ect, unless you set it otherwise (this will be a customizable thing).
Now, if only we could get aboard a mod that eliminated recruits from all the minor, politically/economically/culturally irrelevant nations of the world!
Because we all know what the folks of Liechtenstein and El Salvador and Finland will be doing when the Earth is invaded by extraterrestrial powers.
They'll be dying.