Name: Joun Quire(Honorific, if applicable: Capt.)
Gender (Circle one): (Male) Female Other:___________________________________________
For safety reasons a full background check is conducted on your person. However, this
background check is only 99.99% effective. What is your background before applying
for Project EVIL? Failure to fully disclose your background will result in an
appointment with Sniper Squad:Ex Miltiary, Served 5 years in U.S Army, then going to Private Military for the other 5 years ,was given mainly frontline work and Ship work.
Now on leave.
Do you have any knowledge of firearms or other forms of weaponry? Yes No
If you answered Yes, list the specific weapons: Mainly Knife, Pistol, Shotgun and any Firearms
If you answered No, list which weapons you would like to learn more about:
Project EVIL uses a JONES 2.9 Competer to sort applicants into the different courses
and areas of study. The calculations are based on your background, personality and
likelihood of going on a ballistic rampage before receiving your first mission. If you
desire to give your input to JONES, please enter that information into the following:
I got nothing
What precautions do you take to avoid midnight kidnappings? (Failure to fill out this
field could result in the loss of loved ones OR an appointment with the Sniper Squad):
2 Locks at the 2 doors and a Eye scan, Bulletproof glass window, Door into my room is metal door.
What previous job experience (if any) do you have? Icecream worker for 3 year
Where do you see yourself in fifteen years? (Besides being a part of Project EVIL OR
lying under five feet of dirt with a bullet in your head): Being on a Topical island.
If you wish to add additional information OR plead for your life/loved ones, please
enter it into the following field:Tell joey to pay me my five bucks
If you applying before January 14, please choose which colour of tote-bag you wish
to receive. If you are applying after January 14, leave this field blank if you do
not wish to receive an appointment with the Sniper Squad: Red Blue Green