My turn to be late. >_> Had real-life plans that unfortunately took precedence over this. But let us go on!
Rule modification: You only fumble or fall off-balance if your unmodified roll is 1 or 6, not if your modifier brings it down to 1 or increases it to 6. Previously, if you were fumbling and had another mitigating circumstance which gave you a cumulative -2, your chance of fumbling again was a whopping
1/2, possibly more if you had a larger penalty. This modification makes your chance of fumbling merely 1/3 regardless of any mitigating circumstances. This also makes it so that if you ever get an attack bonus, it is not similarly annoying.
Turn 4In Which Further Zort Ass Is KickedErin laughed crazily at the improbable success of her meaningless stunt.
"Did everybody see that? I'm such a badass! Ahahaha!"
Action: Fire in the direction of the unwounded Zorts!
Amused by the "suaveness" of her stunt, Erin takes aim at a bemused Zort which looks like it hasn't been given a rough enough time yet, [4 vs 1] and makes its day for a total of 3 damage, knocking it off-balance.
"Yeah! Take that, overly cautious Zort fiends!" Hilda screamed, as she leapt at the nearest enemy, nails and elbows flailing, "Nice jumping Erin!"
Engage nearest enemy in melee using the "flying knee face-crusher" technique!
Hilda decides to take advantage of the lack of balance now possessed by the Zort which Erin has just shot, and runs at it, [1 vs 1=2-1] but manages to crush nothing but her own spirit by missing entirely and somehow fumbling with her knee.
Franz introduces himself to Ren before moving on to a better shooting position
Franz moves to a better shooting position and kills some more Zorts.
Franz: "Sup."
Ren: "Not much, just blasting dudes. Wanna blow shit up?"
Franz: "Sure."
Ren: "Cool."
Franz rises slightly above the console and takes aim, coincidentally, at the Zort everyone else has been trying to kill so far this turn, [3 vs 1=1-1], putting it out of its misery as it falls face-first to the ground with a nearly inaudible splat.
Feign weakness. Hope to draw any fire. Regain composure.
Lorren attempts to make himself a bigger target than he already was, [1] but the remaining Zorts appear to be too busy not pissing themselves to notice, plus he was already a pretty obvious target, being the only human in the middle of the room. Lorren puts on a small silly ballet show anyway, sans the grace. He feels kind of pretty.
Take careful aim at that last guy I shot, and headshot him!
Ren takes careful aim at the bloodied Zort, [6 vs 5] pulling the trigger slightly too hard but managing to put a ray in the brainpan, squish! It collapes unceremoniously to the ground.
In Which the Zorts Do What They Probably Should've Done In the First PlaceThe two remaining uninjured Zorts [5] exchange sober glances, then start backing quickly towards the unguarded door as each fires off a shot at Lorren. [4 vs 1=2-1] [5 vs 1=2-1] Each is a sizzling direct shot to the chest, inflicting a debilitating 7 damage to the already wounded Lorren. Scout needs health, badly. Everyone's comm links beep five times in a row and highlight Lorren's dangerously low vitals.
The previously uninjured Zort who ended up being killed this turn had -1 for two of its dodge rolls because Erin knocked it off-balance.
Lorren had -1 to dodge because he was off-balance from last turn.
Health: 15/15
raygun (unholstered, safety off, set to kill)
comm link (listening, reporting danger status on Lorren)
energy shield (6/6 charges, off)
Health: 5/15
raygun (unholstered, safety off, set to kill)
comm link (listening, reporting danger status on Lorren)
ping device (off)
Health: 15/15
raygun (unholstered, safety off, set to kill)
comm link (listening, reporting danger status on Lorren)
hacker's PDA (10/10 charges)
Health: 15/15
raygun (unholstered, safety off, set to kill)
comm link (listening, reporting danger status on Lorren)
explosive charges
Health: 15/15
raygun (unholstered, safety off, set to kill)
comm link (listening, reporting danger status on Lorren)