HMHM, that's a pretty neat idea! I should try that too and try to not inadvertently put two hours into it. :v
But meanwhile, 'BOUT THEM LEGS, ARX:
i have not actually drawn the genitals i just thought the cock would be funny
also i just simplify feet as fans at first because i'm a lazy shit
You need not taper them so much. In most situations where you'd see significant tapering of the legs, there's also going to be foreshortening involved, along with corresponding widening of the upper body. Also, remember that adult feet are usually close to... Well, one foot in length (notably longer than a flat hand, but hardly any wider), since we'd otherwise tip forwards or backwards too easily.
this head is not tall enough
disregard the dinky little spearhead that couldn't even stab a mouse if it tried to
Brow ridge is basically just that little bit missing, spear may require slight explanation: Basically, this is where your perspective/foreshortening skills get to shine. It gets extra tricky if the spear handle is also tapered, in which case you might need to bring out more circles and perspective lines to nail it. Start with a straight cylinder, widen/narrow the ends as necessary, and interpolate between them (with a ruler if need be, ain't no shame in using those for straight lines).
So uh, i hope this helps, but in any case it at least helped me take another step out of my (f)art drought. :v