I decided since it's been so long since I last did anything creative in Minecraft, or in general, really; I decided to give myself a bit of an art project. Since I'm also not working a regular job anymore, I can devote more time into these kinds of projects (with proper funding from work I find, or finds me, of course).
Dimensions are (based on Blender model and sketch references):
X: 370m long
Y: 65m high
Z: 260m main wingspan (-130 and 130 makes for easy references, where I got the project placed)
Wings start at 100m from aft, might go on for 50-odd meters. Things are like football fields for wings. This is gonna be fun.
I'm using Sea Lanterns for every 1 meter, Glowstone for 10 meters, Redstone Blocks for 50 meters, and Lapis Lazuli for 100 meters. Slightly botched the vert (wrong block in image where 60m is concerned (+35 offset)); also vert is 1/2 measures. Upper X-measurements are the actual aft-main-wing placement. To make things easier on me, I've made sure to work the wings from the center (0,+35,~) so positive and negative measurements are equal. F3/Debug Mode really helps with coordination here.
I haven't decided whether it'll be the Excalibur (red, jack of all trades all-rounder), or either of it's sister ships Caladbolg (blue, built like a tank; armored and many guns) or Kusanagi (green; built for speed and agility) yet. Either way, it's gonna be a hell of an engineering art project. It's not only gonna be built according to the sketches, but it's also going to be laid out, room by room. I'm going for a rather crowned-tuning-fork (wings branch from the corners, and near the end. The chassis resonates with the 4dμ (4-dimensional manipulator unit) in order to involve the whole ship in the resonation of reality barriers and such for time dilation, portal making, and essentially teleporting the damn thing in it's entirety) kind of chassis for this, and use it as the main framework. I probably won't go crazy detailed, except for where it would matter (under-wing hangars, upper and lower bridge, with inter-connecting elevator, Captain's quarters, mess hall and upper-deck tavern).
This might take me awhile, since I'll be engineering it as I design it (Proper shipright code to ensure it feels and looks right; might consider some wiring in places, as well as conceivable plumbing (this ain't Star Trek; our ships need crappers and a sewage tank; also for use as proper "Dirty bombs" of the non-nuclear variety (mostly trolling)))); but at least it'll keep me busy as I wait for jobs to update on the bounty board (freelance job feed).
Ugh. I just realized how much fun I'll be having putting all the shiny red/green/blue paint on the majority of the ship. Thank goodness we've got banners. I can at least place reference markers here and there.
Command blocks are craptons useful (mostly teleporting; especially onto the ship itself). I just made a solar-reactive one that keeps the weather clear and the skies bright back at the spawnpoint, and made a series of teleporters that cuts the hassle of all the walking back and forth (no to mention, spawn point is a good kilometer away from the building site's zero-point (if I can see it from that distance, more or less, that would rock))
Teleporters are installed every 100m down the ship, and at the wing tips, to return to 0-point, and nearby 0-Point has a scale model of the ship, and respective teleporters that go to the appropriate areas, relative to the model (set for grid, ATM)). So now I have a mini-map for teleport purposes installed at Home Base-0.
As I add more details, I'll maybe make scale models of the parts in work, while keeping the grid-minimap, and set teleporters that go to them (bridge, upper/lower), L/R-Hangar, etc.). I might also build a mini-model (a larger one, more detailed than the teleport one) as a means of keeping track of it's construction progress, with different parts elsewhere as the main go-to points for critical areas. Maybe map that out accordingly as well, relative to the deck at work.