Looking for some feedback on this one:
[occasionally dabbling animator noises]
ok actually calling myself an animator is a HUGE stretchDogpiling on top of what Cathar said, also needs moar exaggeration and whole body motion. Like, for this kick, it's mostly only the lower leg actually moving, and while that's relatively realistic as far as front kicks go (at least the quick non-heavy ones), it's just not that visually interesting to look at. Gotta bring that leg way back, arc the body like a taught bow, sling that foot out like some crazy dude slinging his foot out to kick someone in the face really hard, let it linger for just a brief moment to let people feel just how much that shit hurt, and then briskly bring it back to the starting position so you don't have to animate too many recovery frames. Keeping all this bending and stretching centered above the base of support is what makes it look natural, because humens don't like falling over. :v
Now, i've not done this nearly enough to call myself anything close to proficient at it, but i
attempted to sketch up a quick sequence to show what i mean:
This could probably be stretched to like 12 frames, but i'm a lazy man and also keyframes. This isn't even as exaggerated as i intended, but o well lol. :v
also i've been in a heckin slump but here have a few doodlings
humen versions of
sordsnek and
vullgrip (i tried representing their character types more than animal species, though sordsnek still gets a long face and vullgrip a hooked nose)