Ooo, i knew as soon as i saw your name in the "last reply" box that it was going to be about awesome music. I've been listening to it for a while now, it's really great! Somehow it reminds me of Dungeon Siege, and it evokes all kinds of wondrous images in my head. Props to you, my good sir!
This seems like a decent place to ask a question (especially since I have nothing worthy of the engraver's guild). Do you guys feel that a tablet would enhance, benefit from, or detract from developing pencil & paper skills? I've thought about buying one during a holiday sale, but about $60 USD would be my limit, if that helps.
And, so as to not post without contributing:
Yeah, first guy has a dongnose. I know.
Oh lawd, do i sense some Andrew Loomis going on here?
Looking pretty good bro, keep at it! Also, regarding tablets, i've found that although it feels different from pencil and paper, it is very much the same skills you're applying. Thus can you reasonably expect to improve your paper skills with a tablet, and your tablet skills with paper. It'll take some getting used to, but it's totally worth it.
As for a tablet in the $60 range, something like the Wacom Bamboo is definitely around that, and it's pretty solid for its price. The only thing about mine that annoys me is that it connects double-clicks with a line, so i can't do super fast scratchy lines with it (although this problem can be minimized), but other than that it's got pretty much everything you'll need.