The funniest thing
I ever heard said to me
Was the phrase,
“I’ll be here forever”
I mean
It wasn’t funny when I heard it
At the time, I believed every word
It seemed real
You know?
At the time
It always feels so real
In hindsight, though?
When people talk about love
Or, more specifically, when love ends
You always hear that metaphor
About people, and hurricanes
The thing is
It doesn’t work, not really
There’s one big difference
Between people and storms
A storm gives you a warning
You can see it on the horizon
You can run from it
And you know it’ll destroy you
People, though
Or, rather
One person
The one person
One person can come into your life
Build you up to your highest point
Make you believe
That they’ll help
That they’ll heal your scars
Patch your wounds
Help you hold the broken pieces together
They’ll say that word
And a week later
They can take it all away
Leave and crush you
In an instant
I was fourteen
I know now that I was young
But at the time I believed
I was so mature
For love and all of its pain
Ready to dive headfirst into someone
Two years is
A long time
Especially when you’re 16
It felt like
I believed it would be
Two years?
When everyone we know
Barely lasts three months?
I made a promise
A two hundred dollar
Shiny, round
A month later
I’m alone
My best friend, though?
He isn’t anymore
I know now
That forever, doesn’t mean forever
Or if it does
It’s not guaranteed
We’ve only got so much time
So many years, that go by
So very fast
Days blur into weeks
Weeks to months
Months to years
Gone, just like that
There’s this girl
I know I love her
I think she loves me
But I know
I know this isn’t
It’s for now
Until she leaves
It’s not long
Not really
But I’m going to love
Every second of her