Right now I am not entirely sure how to do fullscreen work in C++... probably not all that hard but I want to get my window GUI down pat before I try to force it to work with whatever native screen resolution a user might have...
I don't plan for it to be really high tech in any case. For my shader I expect to use something whatever standard was around 5-10 years ago that is still supported by current hardware.
I am actually pretty good at altering my code so once I get a basic Windows version going I may end up switching to SDL for compatability. Also, I prefer to learn things the hardest way possible to prove to myself that I can do it, then look for easier ways and optimizations. Point in case, with the newest Elder Scrolls iteration, Skyrim, I made a simple text file of ingredients and effects and java'd my way into making a brute force recursive checker to virtually create every possible combination of ingredients for potions while culling out any that had duplicate entries in different orders. First time I ran through it all the way I made a multi-GB debug file as it went line by line through my code adding pieces, creating potions, and culling them. Took about 6 hours on my machine before my upgrade. After removing the debug code it took about 12-15 seconds to iterate and parse everything out. Debugging makes things sloooooow down so much
even with batch writes...
But enough of that... I need to learn some basic GUI stuff anyway for C++, since right now I have just been playing a Matrix-y game with my engine and looking at crap scroll down the screen for hours on end. Will be nice to see something colorful and not so jumpy for once
(imagine a FPS with ascii graphics attempting to be representations of 3D objects, constantly scrolling to work at about 20fps, with just large blocks of crap and sketchy cursor movements using wasd and udlf-arrow keys to look about and you will imagine my horror)
Half of the console-fps visualization engine got lost when I broke my computer so will have to build that back up before I work on my GUI representations with textures and meshes... I am also a complete newbie at Blender so if someone could give a good tutorial on that stuff would be nice... I can do some really basic stuff and make super low-poly textures that should get a supportable 1000 or more on screen at once with DX9 and my laptop (cheapest at wal-mart 179$ USD last Christmas)
Okay, so... my planned functionality inclusions for my battleship game:
* Windowed mode multiple resolutions (640x480, 1040x800, 1280x1040) or whatever the standard resolutions are at that range i dunno... I work with a rather high resolution display on my LCD screen desktop
* Will try to make it compatible with XP, will have to have an XP tester though since I do not have any computers w/ that OS on it
* Really basic graphics, not even worthy of using DX on other than as a placeholder for more advance models when I get the chance for the next version
* a UI with mouse-click interface and options screen for even lower quality graphics (for super old computers)
* The Default graphics quality will be set on startup the first time, so might take a little while for it to start up the first time... after that should start up quickly
* Possibly adding in moddability with a shipImages folder where the user can change pictures out for better/different ones of the same name, or a Mods folder where the user can pick a shipMod to use and that will replace the existing ship pics
I think that is all, I can probably write more details if anyone would like. Thanks for the support of the project Stargrasper! I was honestly unsure of whether or not to proceed with the project since it has been sitting in my completion folder for the past few months.
I have everything that I work on for programming in a giant folder next to my bed for in case I start thinking of something cool. Thought of an EVE Clone that would actually play very similar to the X series by Egosoft but with some minor online interaction a la EVE w/ all things created from bottom to top at manufacturing centers... but that is a lofty goal for now and not something I can complete within even a year of hard work so putting it aside to boil and reduce to something manageable
So many ideas, most of them are utility programs for games like Oblivion, Skyrim, Railroad Tycoon 3, and SimCity 4 Deluxe Edition. That may be because I am an engineer at heart, and am really good at figuring out how things work and remaking them (essentially reverse engineering).
Okay, I think that's enough for now, will take a break and let someone else spew thoughts from their fingertips