The day when the world changed is believed to be at least a few decades ago, maybe even a century. The day when the internet became serious business. And when I mean serious business I don't mean silly internet arguments serious, but I'm going to kill your family serious.
Back then everything was on the internet, every game, book, movie, and just about everything else was available for sale and stored onto your hard drive. Which was also online, so it was more of a soft drive. Computers were on by default, even when they were shut down. Sure, some people still had some old books or relics of past technology but no one used them anymore. Hell, they didn't need to when everything they needed was available on the internet.
Humans were also connected to computers themselves, and through that the internet. Computers by then were basically extensions of your brain, used to travel across the vast internet.
Everything was going great, that was until the internet became self-aware.
All of sudden, humans noticed that they weren't in our world anymore: They had been physically transported into the Internets. Or rather, their minds had been sucked out, "uploaded", while bodies were now just empty shells left behind. All the while, swarms of terrible monsters, hereby known as Cybers, that had spawned in the depths of the web eons ago, suddenly appeared and started to hunt down poor people. Many were killed, either by being caught by surprise, or simply for being weak and unworthy for living in this new world.
Those who survived the first events formed great societies to the most popular and respected old websites. Those sites became safe havens from Cybers, the cities known as Webforts. Most other smalls sites and forums, and morally questionable sites like *ahem* porn and pirating sites were quickly overwhelmed, regardless of popularity. Some did survive though, although barely.
Some sites like 4chan did survive for some odd reason, probably because of it's dedicated members who remained paranoid and vigilant against any threats. Most sites look down on 4chan, or avoid it like the plague. Despite most peoples opinions on 4chan though, they do admit they can beat the shit out of Cybers.
The internet itself, after becoming self-aware ran some kind of program which split itself into multiple smaller entities. Some were good, and some were complete assholes. They were worshipped by humans, and in some cases Cybers. Granted them powers, protection, or whatever gods usually do. Most webforts worshiped a patron deity of their own, Bay12 for instance worshiped ToadyOne who integrated his mind with the internet decades ago following the death of his mortal body, and he became a literal god.
Traveling between websites was dangerous at the very least: Most of the pages were dead or nearly uninhabited, and Cybers hunted humans down everywhere. Travel was done mainly through links. Unfortunately, this was far more difficult than it may sound, because while internal links at the same server such as moving from sub-forum to sub-forum worked perfectly, everything else was seriously messed up: External links had warped and twisted into randomness, no one knew where they led to, and Cybers liked to pour inside from them occasionally. Smaller sites had to withstand raids almost daily, not only by Cybers, but by opportunistic and evil humans as well.
Yet exploring would be crucial for human survival. The mankind was separated and lost, being reduced into small or slightly larger villages - and an occasional webfort, as mentioned - isolated from the outside web, waiting to find each other. Also, 99% of all knowledge was still hidden outside, waiting for its discovery in the depths of the dangerous web. Meanwhile, webforts themselves were full to the brim, and so many websites were so full of precious and important resources, requiring humans to settle nearby and take advantage of them. Therefore, people formed adventuring parties, caravans, warbands and such, and boldly wandered outside, in search for fame and glory!
Name: Obvious
Gender: Also obvious.
Age: Same as above, although don't try joking around and putting down 5 or something like that.
Bio: Good bio make GM happy. Happy GM=Good times for everyone.
Physical Appearance:
Primary Skill: Choose a skill from the list to be your primary skill, you'll get a +2 to this skill when used.
Secondary Skill: Choose two skills from the list to be your secondary skill, you'll get a +1 to this skill when used.
All other skills will start out with a -1 penalty unless otherwise noted, skills can be increased by finding certain items, or discovering forgotten knowledge on the internet. There may be teachers out there willing to teach you skills for a high price, and depending on their skill of expertise they'll be located in different forums.
Virus Programming- The creation of viruses that will eat through firewalls and generally fuck up an enemies defense, that is unless they have a good anti-virus.
Weapon Programming- The creation of weapons from suitable materials, weapons generally do damage to an enemies firewall.
Cracking- The cracking of password protected files, systems, and links.
Lurking- Being able to effectively hide in the background, and sneak around your enemies.
Search Bar: Virus- The general knowledge of the various types of viruses out there in the internet.
Search Bar: Cybers- Knowledge of the various kinds of Cybers you'll encounter in the internet.
Search Bar: History- Knowledge of the general history of the internet.
Search Bar: (Specific Website)- The General knowledge of a specific webforts customs, and where a specific thing is in that webfort.
Charm: Your general charisma and appeal towards other people.
Reconstruction: The ability to de-corrupt the code of another person.
Data Scanning: The ability to asses and identify the various kinds of code on the internet.
During combat you'll roll 1d6 vs. an opponents 1d6, the items you have will give you a modifier depending on the item. Your overall health is "Corruption", which you have a maximum of 25. If your Corruption reaches 25, then the code that makes up a person is far to corrupted to work properly and they cease to exist. Even if you don't reach 25 Corruption, you may still get penalties for a high corruption so it's generally advised to keep it low.
Your Firewall is your overall protection against normal attacks, they will reduce the corruption damage you take from enemies. Although if an opponent is using a virus, it will rapidly eat away at your firewall unless you have a suitable anti-virus.
Your integration is your overall integration with the internet, the higher it is the more "in tune" with the internet you are. Higher integration will have you lose some of the negatives about being human, like having to breath, eat, and it will also give you special abilities. Although if your Integration reaches 10 your code will just blend into the internet itself, and you won't exist anymore besides a few pieces of code. Although if your Integration reaches 0, your code will basically collapse on itself. Your integration starts at 3, and will raise/lower depending on the choices you make and the items you recieve.
1. Darvi
2. Dermonster
3. Powder Miner
4. Tersr
5. Ahra
6. Mego
1. Dinosaurus Rex_x
2. Sinpwn
3. Tiruin
4. Zinc23