Turn 15: Power OverwhelmingConjure upgraded versions of the Minerbots! Same as v1s but significantly faster and can perform self-maintenance. Make them out of a random solid material.
[2+2] You successfully create faster, self-repairing minerbots out of [6] diamond. Unfortunately, the requirements of being self-maintaining, rapid miners has rendered them extremely fragile.
That title had me worried. I was going to grant a pass for his turtle into my aquatic paradise, anyway. And the whole nemesis thing merely proffesional. The whole you trying to blow the universe and me not.
Anyway . . .
Create 5 guardians of my sphere. They will be mighty void sharks, measuring 200 meters long, and shall gain energy from the sun.
[2+3] You successfully create your guardian void sharks. They're fearsome and mighty, and should pose a significant threat to anything that dares to intrude upon your sphere.
Create beings willing to watch over and guard my Dream World, adaptable and out of the very essence of it. Of course, they should be of weaker stuff than their Lightning Lords, but nonetheless essential for the place. Free-willed and humanoid in form.
If possible, create castes for my Lightning entities: Those that keep guard and watch over the Cloud, those that guide and join with the inhabitants of the cloud, those that control the balance of it and those that record every event occurring in the known relativity. My presence included.
[5+2] You create laughing, utterly mad dream-beings to inhabit your Cloud, volatile fey-like beings in tune with its very nature.
At least they'll probably guard it pretty well. You don't quite get around to differentiating your lightning entities.
Add plant, micro, and regular animal wildlife to the disc. Modified to suit the terrain, of course.
[6] You create a plethora of severe plant forms, generally as bizarre as the lands they inhabit. In most cases, that's pretty bizarre.
You're too busy with that to create tiny life forms or animals, though.
Order some of my minions to serve in the pre-created* temple areas, and empower me with their worship!
[6] Your fanatical minions cram themselves into the temple's formerly ample worship areas, fervently praying to your magnificence.
The results are immediately noticeable; the influx of divine power strengthens you, allowing you to call upon it to empower your divine acts.
((Still considering how exactly this will work, but for now you can use it to empower acts that use one of your spheres. Empowering might mean increasing the size/power, or adding an additional +1 to the roll, possibly in exchange for less size/power.))
Do de do
A certain shapeshifting hat notices that he's building up divine power, which probably isn't good for him. He should really spend that soon.
Derm (dermonster)
The Pantheon (Micelus)
Thrakor (Toaster)
-Spirit Energy
>>Temple Worship: Bonus to sphere acts
Mobkogoth (Yoink) [2 Acts]
-Mind Control
-Headgear-Related Shapechanging
-Mass Hallucinations
>>Transformed: +1 to defensive rolls, -1 to transforming self
>>Opening: +1 to taking over Thrakor's Prophet next turn
Tyr'Vannen (Tiruin)
Xarl (Superior_Tomato)