Romney says that 47% of Americans are lazy freeloaders who want handouts.Meanwhile in the real world many of those freeloaders have a higher tax burden then Romney himself because those lazy freeloaders are paying payroll taxes and sales taxes and property taxes (indirectly through higher prices/rents mostly). Romney claims without proof to pay at least 13% of his income in taxes which going from
these quintiles means roughly 60% of Americans paid a higher rate then him just counting the federal burden. If you look at the state and local burdens (which fall harder on the poor then the rich) then it doesn't seem too unlikely that a clear majority of the freeloader class pays more in taxes then Romney does.
And even that's really understating the sheer willfull blindness of the statement. Most people with low income tax burdens in America have low burdens for a simple reason: they are retired. The non-retired mostly consist of those who are disabled or laid off and still seeking work. These aren't freeloaders, they're people who earned they're way in the past. They earned what they get with hard work. But someone who was born with a silver spoon in his mouth thinks that people who actually work for a living have a sense of entitlement.
It isn't said enough: eat the rich.
P.S. The real irony in all this is that the largest group of that the largest group of the 47% Romney is slimming, the retired, are the most likely group to vote for him. It is a strange, strange universe that Republican voters have concocted for themselves.
P.S.S. graph from here: it out very well.