I still support the ZFB party (Zombies for Brains)
Anyway... Reguarding the value of NASA and the intellegance of deep space colonization from a bankrupt nation...
People today insist mankind is immune from extinction, but we sit looking at massive climate change, huge pandemics, and a interconnectivity that makes the distance between any two people in the movie industry connected by less than 7 direct connections. I don't know how it works for people outside the movie industry, but I doubt it's very big given how the furthest I saw of people who knows someone who died in Afghanistan is Friend of a Friend. In this world, we have the ability to follow the evolutionary drive of spreading the species as far as possible, and god's command to spread fourth into his land and be fruitful and multiply. Without spreading into space, we will reach an absolute limit of our ability to do this, assuming we don't all die from super Ebola.
So, NASA isn't just something nessessary for the bankrupt America but the entire human race.
Pointless expenditure? Only if you don't believe in Science or the god of the Jews.
So, that said, I'd like to address the most important campaign issue out there.
Mitt Romney is really a LOLCAT spy!
Just look at his first name parody. Mittens? As in silly kittens you forgot your...
Why can't you dogeple wake up! It's a coup de naze!