A strange thing about American politics; black people voting is bad for gays. Apparently the black religious community is very strong. Just this morning I heard an interview of a black preacher who said that gay marriage is like bestiality, and strongly forbidden by the bible. He said it was not a civil rights issue and does not compare to interracial marriage because being black is not a choice, like being gay is.
I really wanted to ask him when he chose to be straight. I know I didn't; when I see a woman, I will think to myself, she looks nice. Looking at a man, well, nothing against him personally, but I'm not interested. At no point do I make any "choice".
Furthermore, it is worth noting that the only parts of the bible that say anything about gay people are in the old testament. Now, modern Christians know that Jesus's whole shtick was making the old testament invalid. He comes down, dies, and in this is a sacrifice that "fulfills" every law and requirement of the old testament. Whenever people bring up the old testament as an argument about religion, it's pointed out that Jesus eliminated the old bad laws with his sacrifice.
There isn't any leeway here- either Jesus completely erased the old testament and replaced it with his teachings- which never, not even once, mention gays- or every word of the old testament is totally true... which means that every person who so much as flipped a light switch on a Saturday is a mortal sinner. If gays are bad, then bacon is outlawed. If the bible is against homosexuals, then you may not cut your hair (and also, incidentally, must never let your hair reach your collar. Don't ask me how).
I feel terrible writing this, but yeah, long-term cultural oppression spurred by ignorance has begotten economic strife and poor access to education, creating yet more ignorance and leading almost inevitably to more oppression despite progress in the recent past. Ultimately creating a cycle that can only be broken by many generations of constant social justice and cultural introspection.