I'll say what I've said all along thus far in this election season. I'm voting for Obama, even though it pains me. There is stuff that he has done that is absolutely horrible. (PATRIOT act, ACTA, etc) On the other hand, good social policies.
There are no third party options that can reasonably win this election. The only alternative is going to be one of the remaining Republicans.
Santorum: Almost dead in the water, and FUCK NO.
Ron Paul: In the same boat, but has no grasp of economics, and his social policies are appalling.
Gingrich: Half of his own party hates him, he's a terrible diplomat, and he supported SOPA/PIPA until the 18th.
Romney: Utterly disconnected with the finances of the average American. Remember the $10,000 bet with Perry? Supported SOPA/PIPA until the 18th, claims to be extremely socially conservative like it's a good thing.
Romney and Gingrich have supported the same bad decisions as Obama, but they don't have anything to counterbalance it.
@nenjin: SOPA/PIPA were made by congress, and a veto was threatened. Though I have my doubts, the signing statement on the NDAA says that it will not be used on American citizens. Bush did TARP, Obama did a far smaller one. (People forget that.)
I wish you could only be president once. Maybe we could have gotten a liberal candidate to run for the Democrats, that'd be nice. I'm just incredibly frustrated that my choices are either 'vote for a semi-bastard", 'vote for a complete bastard', or 'vote for nobody, which will give the complete bastards a slightly better chance.'
Bear in mind that I want to change this. My ultimate goal, if I do decide to go into politics, would be to become incredibly influential in one party or the other and tear it into a significant third party. It looks like the Republicans may already be heading that way. It's a longshot, though. At the moment I'm supporting the Occupy candidate against the incumbent for the House of Representatives. It's something.