I was speaking to you.
Boarders are galley-type ships. They have crappy attacks, but if they survive one turn and get in range, they will whip the enemy's ... behinds. For example, the "Galliot" is a Medium sized warship. It has 20 attack and 20 defense normally. The Small Galleon, which is also a Medium sized warship, has 30 attack and 15 defense. If the Galliot gets in range, its attack and defense become 50 each.
I'd be up for a Naval C@W, sounds interesting.
Don't know whether or not this idea is plausible, but could it be possible that you get some kind of bonus and a penalty for certain government types? I never was interested in the whole fighting in C@W, mainly the diplomacy.
Maybe... Colonial government bonuses and penalties -> good chance. Regular gov't... maybe later.
We need a basic calculation, and rolling program for C@W games >.>
Rolling = random.org :3
This is slowy shaping out to look like Europa Universalis. Let's try and keep the interface simple. The more factors we add the less players will be able to play. The GMs and a board can only manage so much.
I suggest a basic 1-10 tech scale, starting at the 1400s (1), and basic division of units as follows:
LAND: Infantry, Cavalry, Artillery.
NAVAL: Transport, Light, Heavy.
AIR: Fighter, Bomber, Misc (Zeps/Helis).
I never said I would put in ... logistic range or something :/
Also, your divisions are mostly what I put, except the NAVAL part is Small (laughable units), Medium, Large, and Huge (Huge being clippers or ships-o-the-line)
This topic is suddenly hot
See, C@W is so overly complicated that it would require more than one GM or a program, as Iituem used.
And perhaps there might still be a few landmasses? I mean, archipelagos are nice, but battling over the existing canals can provide for the use of land units.
I'm having some trouble drawing up a map. I'm thinking of making separate maps, one for homeland, one for colonial.