Hey Meph, thanks for this great mod, its a ton of fun
Now I jumped into this this mod a little blind, having discovered LNP a wee before, so never even really finishing one fortress, and then i decide that I'm not having enough "fun" so then i found your mod. So this is just a little heads up, cause my questions might be really newbie, but I appreciate any help.
Right off the bat I'm going to encourage you to go back to vanilla DF. Play a few more fortresses.
You won't get every material in existence in a single embark, modded or not. That's okay. You embark somewhere else after failure/boredom and pick a site that is very different from the previous one. Do you use ASCII or some graphic pack? Try both at least a couple times each. Most of the graphic packs can be used without LNP. I kinda dislike LNP because it encourages you to roll worlds with "Create New World" which is far inferior to "Design New World". Use advanced when possible. You don't need to alter any of the small/medium/large, just roll with advanced. When you get used to that you can graduate to changing settings.
Your caverns can be very deep down depending on where in the world you embark. Some embarks are 20 levels deep before you hit the bottom. Some are a couple hundred. The vanilla
DF wiki has specifics on which sort of world features may generate deep sites and which ones have flux/aquifers/whatever.
A farm plot will not tell you anything about your seeds available. This has nothing to do with mods. You will need someone to bookkeep your supplies to tell you how many seeds and of what kinds in 'z' >>> stocks.
Totems are still skulls.
Animals can be forced to stay in a zone. The vanilla wiki has this info. It's called "pasturing".
Please go back to vanilla and play around there. The vanilla wiki has most of the info you will ever need. It's not perfect, but a bit of keyword searching will get you what you need and then some. Just pay attention to in-game lingo. Mods are what you do when you've exhausted a thing as it is. When you've poked and prodded and found some personal wants. One fortress played isn't going to do that.
Short list of places to embark:
Ocean shoreline (start with a warm one that doesn't freeze in winter and don't expect to have fresh water, you won't have it not even with a river/stream)
Lake shoreline
Major River
Minor River
These all have their challenges. It should take awhile before you need more than this.