Can't wait for V2g! The weapon trap in question does have a runed +Superior Crystal Glass Pike+, with runes of Iron, Gold and Steel inscribed, no Adamantine Runes though. Regrettably, the combat log has long since expired, but when I looked at the time it happened, I wasn't able to chase down exactly when the orc "transformed", i.e., vaporized. I'll keep you all posted if it happens again.
Regarding assigning specific weapons, that's not feasible, my current military is 21 squads strong, nearly all of them full; for uncertain reasons, my fort has a population of 262 and babies are still being born. I appreciate all the work you've put into lowering FPS, but I still don't want to talk about what I'm averaging currently
Oh! I almost forgot, the Golems are everything I could have hoped for, and more. I highly recommend using lightly-experienced dwarfs that are already in a military squad; I'm not sure if it is intentional or a happy accident, but dwarfs already in the military that are transformed into golems will remain in their squad, and even follow training schedule and orders. It seems once transformed they cannot be added to a squad, but if they are already in training, your military will soon find itself sparring with the golems, and followed into battle by their transformed comrades. I highly recommend using the upgrade system as well, I'm not certain if the upgrades are the cause, but I'm definitely seeing a lot of orcs fall to their hammer/sword/spearfists. Every child that comes of age in my fortress without a useful skill finds themself drafted and 'ere long transformed into a Steel Killing Machine. I'm raising an army of them to attempt an invasion of the underworld, wish them luck!