I mentioned some planned changes in the last post, so here the resulsts:
- Changed layer permit of platemail. Should be able to wear padded shirts underneath now.
- Nerfed barbed wire. Now 1:2:3 hits for the different versions, instead of 3:3:3
- Fixed all the wording for material emissions. Now refer to the proper attacks, each creature has custom text.
- Replaced all [SOFT] tags with [HARD] even in the new optional clothing, to stop rot.
- Nerfed turret occurence (they are one creature now, instead of 7, this means only 15% as many turrets will arrive)
- Acid and Warpstone vapor is green now, as it should be.
- Removed steeloak_metal and ironbark_metal. Now produce steel and iron instead.
- Raised value of plants and seeds every so slightly. 1 point. (no spamming seeds at embark)
- Added reaction to kitchen: butcher living rock, 1 meat
- Added reaction to timberyard: butcher living tree, 3 meat
- Added reaction to timberyard: break crystal tree, 3 rough crystal glass and 1 crystal glass pike
- Added splintering glass tree to 2nd cavern. You fell them, you get hit by glass. (light syndrome)
- Added living tree to 3rd cavern. Red wood, or meat from butchering them.
- Added living rock to living rock. About 2-5% of it leaves a solid rock now.
- Added firewood to 3rd cavern. You fell it, it starts a fire.
- Changed blueprints and books. Now are really expensive to trade for. (2000-5000 for blueprints)
- Renamed books: Scoll of Fire, Grimoire of Death and Tome of Life. Dwarven, drow and human tradegood.
The new trees are really fun. People will want to go to the crystal cavern to get the free glass spikes, but might accidently fell a tree that shatters and hurts the woodcutter. Same for the 3rd cavern. I think I buff up the special tree for that cavern a bit. People go for it to get the item, might fell a fire tree, start a cavern fire (anyone ever seen a cavern fire in DF?
About the questions:
@fred:Ironhand and Mayday.... Eventually yes, but not the next version.
@smake: will test the cloaks, maybe making them a hard mat item messes a bit with them.
@lordbadger:Royal = Noble caste. Dont know how either flobulon or me got that mixed up. One way or the other, he is better in social and medical skills, but a slow learner in everything else.
@sibilantjoe: cant help you with adv. mode, sorry.
@isitanos: yes, guybrush can be used as well. is standart ascii.
@orb: Write me a PM if you want an easter egg added in. Thats what you can do with firefly bonus points
@sanguinis: have you enabled mouse.exe ? that might cause the problem, I believe it has not been updated to 34.05 yet.
EDIT: Living tree changed. Gives living shield now, instead of meat. Highest blockchance in game. (adam shields would be lighter, allowing faster movement, and slade shields have more blunt damage in melee) But you have to go to the 3rd cavern for it.