Savants vs. autism: Well, the "savants" have slow learner for every other skill, so they are autists in a way. But I did not alter the social/speaking skills, that would mess them up too much, so I settled on savants.
The magma safe invaders: Frost Giants has melted/solidified. This is what I get when I put them in magma. They also drown, so no problem with them. Automatons are made a magma-proof metal and dont care about a little bit of molten rock, and since they dont breathe... just forget magma traps against them. Ice/Obsidian still works though.
Diverser World is the Garden of Gaia
I am making slow progress. The golem can be drafted in the army now, as milita captians, but still flee, even when they have a kill order. -.-
Slaves work, you buy broodmothers, they breed you slaves. Takes 1-2 years for a fully working slave, but they have big litter sizes. Problem: Sometimes the game crashes when I view the description of the slaves. It is maddening, since I do brute force modding, pecking around in the dark, and have to wait 1-2 ingame years every time. But they do labor.
I will let the game run in the background and work on the GUI a bit, but a new download wont be ready today.
Changelog for my latest bit of work:
- Worked on Turrets. Hellfire, Slade and Warpstone (the good ones) should not appear with free migrants anymore. Only 1 in 1000 should be a good version.
- Renamed Zombie Thieves to [PROFESSION_NAME:THIEF:wanderer:wanderers] As in: A lone zombie wandered close to your fortress and was spotted, a good sign for coming hordes.
- Added 6 secret additions. Collect them all. Check your gamelog, there might be a strange message once a month.
- Changed living stone tile to avoid confusion with metals
- Removed duplicate Tower Shield
- Raised blob frequency from 20 to 40
- Added a custom language for drow
- Added custom profession names for slaves. Laborers: Enslaved "laborname" Fighters: "name" gladiator
- Updated Therapist and Mouse Fortress to 34.04
- Removed the tanning of shells. The people have spoken.