Just to comment on something I saw above I routinely set my marksdwarf squads to train all the time (minimum 10, every month) and I still see them shooting in the practice range a bunch. And they are never "off duty" except for food, drink, and sleep I thought.
On another topic, Drow are very sensitive. Their hoardmaster was killed in an ambush less than a second after he entered the map. Even if I had an elite army (which I do not) they would never have got there in time. Now they are ambushing me themselves (they are referred to as drow but the sprites look less like the merchants and more like evil dwarves) and in what is probably not technical irony but I don't know the word *they* announced themselves to me by ambushing and killing the human ambassador, so I can only expect the humans will now begin attacking me as well. Good think I'm self-sufficient, because it's siege-a-palooza over here. Not one forgotten beast in four years though, which is odd. I have broken into all three caverns, and have even seen one underground siege (though I didn't see who because I just cracked open the caves, built my downstair, and then sealed everything up).
Also, I love everything about the lamellar. Not only because I think it looks cool IRL, but also the process to create it seems so legit. However, I assume since it is technically "leather" that if you set you army to wear metal armor they will choose a worse metal (such as copper) over lamellar, even though it's equivalent to iron, right? Is there a setting to have them just wear the best protecting armor, regardless of what it's made out of? Also, is there any bonus to leather armor over metal armor in regards to weight? Like do your dwarves have a higher to-hit ratio or faster attacks? I have an abundance of iron and flux on my map so while I love the lamellar it just doesn't seem tactically sound to employ it instead of steel.