humans as embarkable race can only be a bug caused by duplicate raws. Thats the only possible cause. duplicate raws ALWAYS show up on the errorlog... so if you have one for this, please have a look. I always make sure the release has no errorlog with default settings. if your races are mixed up, it is no wonder that goblins also have some problems ^^ goblins are also the weakest of the hostile races, so they die off first, at least usually, according to logic they should
9 kobolds thieves is ok... the adv. worldgen maps I include spawn 30 civs. So you can have 3 kobold civs at the same time trying to steal from you. it also depends on your fort value.
Thanks for the feedback and deliberate testing. the magic buildings are not new btw, I didnt change anything on them in the release you have. next release will have slight tweaking, but no big changes...
Inside spawning enemies already exist, but are really, really rare.
READ THIS, Big trouble in little Innsmoth, a story that happend in the mod.
Raiding system: You have a buccaneers drydock for orcs, and you can build a boat (tool) and send the boat and hired buccaneers with equipment (you need to give them weapons and armor) on a quest to raid elven hamlets, human towns, drow underdark, dwarven fortresses...
In reality you have this workhops, need to input custom tools (raiding gear, armor set, weapon set, and the boat) and either your brave raiders are killed in action (offscreen, no actual orcs die) and you dont get anything... OR they return with the boat and crates of loot. You can also explore old underground ruins to find blueprints and tech that you otherwise wouldnt.
It essentially simulates sending out war-parties to targets, and then returning with a specific reward (or die trying) I sadly cannot make actual soldiers leave, but this is as good as it gets with modding.