Not much time, so here some answers and new ideas.
@:bombzero: I think he means the manager
@zeebie: Thanks for the praise
The duplicate entries in the manager screen (?) are because you can make steel in different buildings. See crucible and finishing forge, both have a reaction with the same name. The blast furnace makes batch steel (6) from ore or bars as well.
The new weapons are not sooooo different. Almost unnoticable for some. Less penetration, better against armor, more or less slashing... When I do the weaponry and the armory I will add more detail to the manual, till then it is mostly flavor.
@dawnofdarkness and ishar: I will
Especially with the feedback I get here
@dragonly: Because the are moving to a new home, the brewery. I added the specific plant/drink reactions and noticed that the sill is quite full. I want to add a bigger, better still called brewery that upgrades existing drinks, or makes batch drinks. I guess these were the reaction you miss, Royal drink (50) ? I found it too easy to just make them in the same building, with the same ingredients as normal drinks. Next time, better drinks will be harder to make. If you post the water/sugar, I will see how balanced it is ingame and add it, it is a good (and realistic) idea.
@angel-of-dusk: The errorlog is because you turned throwing weapons OFF in the settings, but I am not sure if this causes the problem. with over 100 Settings I have over 5000 combinations, and I cant test all of it of course. If you found a crash that is settings related I want to see it. I only test ALL:ON, ALL:OFF and my default settings the mod comes with. What changes did you do ? Otherwise, turn throwing weapons back on, and try again, or play with the default settings. (might have to download it again, sry. Maybe I should add a "Default" button ?)
@smakemupagus: Tested it by now, same here. The stockpiles do not accept it, since it is no ANIMAL_MAT, but the generic, inorganic bone mat I added. I will add a fix for it, no problem. I just have to figure out into which stockpile they go then ^^ I know how to do plant and ammo, but havent worked with bone stockpiling. The actual bones are stockpiled correctly though, it is only bone items that lack the stockpiling. Nice little quirks the game develops, when you use generic materials. ^^
@mysterius: In time, ascii (and others) will be aviable. Next version probably. I had some before, but got tired of modding every raw 4 times. Waiting for a nifty little program that does the converting for me
(lazy me)
@maklak: I am not very fond of exploits. If you want to cheat, feel free, but I wont include it by default.
Once You have generic wood, leather, less gems and stones, maybe it is time for generic meat and organs and bones too?
I already did that. All animal materials are generic. Cartilages dont work for some reason, and I left the bones as they are, for proper stockpiling. All bone items are generic though. Which of course, generates a problem with stockpiling those... ^^
The bit of work I got done, since I last posted a changelog:
Raised adv. golems price to 10000. One zero was missing before.
Added new tanner reactions.
Added generic wood.
Added timberyard. A building to refine wood, needs a lot of resources to be build.
Fixed [REACTION_CLASS] for chrome/slade/mithril/cobalt
Added the ability to extract silver and gold strands, for fancy clothing.
Added blueprints to humans. Expensive trade objects.
Added weaponry and armory, needs blueprints building mats.
Added blueprints to javeline caster building mats.
Added edible and brewable fungiwood tree bark. Can be split from fungiwood at the timberyard.
Made the brewery building. NO reactions finished as of yet.