I want to say.. strand_extract, but I could be completely wrong...
Anyways I came here to drop this for anyone who is interested, a preview of the next mac release. (1.9.5) It currently RUNS! and I haven't experienced any crashes.. If you have a mac PLEASE TEST.
https://dl.dropbox.com/u/75632380/Masterwork%20for%20Mac%20test.zip <-- alpha release of 1.9.5-mac
notes: NEW GUI (not finished) included, for anyone who wants to help (code/test) it requires Python 3.2, and PyQtX installed (finished version won't ) it doesn't actually change the settings yet (back end isn't finished) but I would like to see if it at least runs on everyone's different machines, and displays properly and get feedback from you on it.
http://www.python.org/download/releases/3.2.3/ <-- python 3.2 Mac/Windows/Linux
http://sourceforge.net/projects/pyqtx/files/Complete/ <-- PyQtX MAC(download COMPLETE py323 version NOT py273)
If you are on windows/linux and want to help with the NEW GUI:
PyQt-Py3.2-x86-gpl-4.9.4-1.exe Windows 32 bit installer
PyQt-Py3.2-x64-gpl-4.9.4-1.exe Windows 64 bit installer
and linux source is available here:
http://www.riverbankcomputing.com/software/pyqt/downloadYou don't need SIP unless you are building from source (linux)
Also, I currently don't have access to windows or linux, and the gui is still based on masterwork 1.9.3, so if anyone could let me know if meph added/removed/changed any buttons please let me know.
P.S. Meph you should take a look at how I organized things in this release.. your releases to be a bit blunt are.. disastrous messes of disorganization.