Ah, i did not know about the macro thing. I will add it for the next patch. The exploding smithys, arsenic poison and so on will be made optional as well. Currently I abuse all of you as guinea pigs, I hope you can forgive me.
Castes are done. 4 natural skilled guys (doc, melee, ranged, siege) 9 good crafters that specialise in one type of craft (high natural skill in one craft area, but slower learning for everything else), 1 hauler caste (fast movement but slow learning), 4 castes that have different attributes/learn rates for a wide selection of skills. These are: Legion (combat) Guild (crafting and smithing) Highborn (social and medical) and Berserkers (combat, nopain, prone to rage)
How often do they show up ?
Normal dwarves make 25% of your population.
22% are natural skilled dwarves
16% are savants, these highly specialised crafters...
15% are haulers
22% are legion/berserk/guild/highborn
All of them can be found in the Dwarf Therapist under the new category: Caste. This way you dont have to check every dwarf one for one.
I will add the modded version of the therapist in the next patch
Full list:
[MALE]Natural Doctor
[FEMALE]Natural Doctor
[MALE]Natural Fighter
[FEMALE]Natural Fighter
[MALE]Natural Sniper
[FEMALE]Natural Sniper
[MALE]Natural Sieger
[FEMALE]Natural Sieger
[MALE]Stone Savant
[FEMALE]Stone Savant
[MALE]Gem Savant
[FEMALE]Gem Savant
[MALE]Leather Savant
[FEMALE]Leather Savant
[MALE]Wood Savant
[FEMALE]Wood Savant
[MALE]Bone Savant
[FEMALE]Bone Savant
[MALE]Weapon Savant
[FEMALE]Weapon Savant
[MALE]Armor Savant
[FEMALE]Armor Savant
[MALE]Bow Savant
[FEMALE]Bow Savant
[MALE]Alchemy Savant
[FEMALE]Alchemy Savant
[MALE]Legion Dwarf
[FEMALE]Legion Dwarf
[MALE]Guild Dwarf
[FEMALE]Guild Dwarf
[MALE]Highborn Dwarf
[FEMALE]Highborn Dwarf