*not* a harry potter book based on friendship, magic (there IS magic, but just, dirtier) and is quite frankly done with the intent to bring back the gritty noirish and dark tone of the past, all with the cold steeled iron of science fiction.
i'll post the author notes. so you'll see it from there:
Copyright of Alberto Catellani ©
While reproduction of pieces of this work is not frowned upon,
I kindly ask of thee to ask for my written permission first.
Since I kindly asked you to kindly ask, you should gently comply.
This work is a work of fiction, if anything seems similar to anything else, it’s just a sheer casual event. Give the fault to the space time continuum, I’m faultless.
The author has the possibility to take himself not seriously.
The reader on the other hand should seriously read and open mouth later.
This book contains acts of war, which will be vividly depicted, it contains strong scenes which might even rival those over-budget Hollywood films with overpriced stars. There is not going to be a "pew pew" line and then a time jump. Bullets will fly. Bullets will hit. Blood will be scattered.
So I do not suggest these book to the following categories:
1)People who cannot distinguish a book from reality
2)People who have to make a point of their religions, every, single, time. Even when in a book.
3)People who might easily be offended by mass genocide of alien civilizations.
4)People who might easily be offended by mass genocide of human civilizations. (if you were fine with the one before, and not with this one, you should rethink a bit yourself)
5)People who actually think this book should be burned to preserve human innocence (i think this too, just so you know, but it kept nagging to come out, so i'll do it)
6)I’m sure there is a sixth, seventh and probably infinite amount of categories of people who should not read this book.
So, who should read this book?
This book should be read by the following individuals:
1)Those who wish to take their minds off a boring day
2)Those who want a valid excuse not to listen to their wife’s ranting
3)Those who think buying books out of unknown authors is a fine way to improve the world
(and my wallet)
4)People who can think and not stop at the first line.
5)People who love space. Space battles. High technological battlefields. Explosions!
Why not finish writing it first? There's no substitute for a bit of elbow grease - just put in the work, and write for yourself.
on that piece, i can't answer, i don't know, and maybe my elbow grease disappeared into the sink.
Mind you, i'm not saying i'm lazy, i just find it more natural to write stuff which does get a feedback, than writing stuff which does not.
Oh, i dunno about natural talent, or not.
i just know that as long as i can imagine the scene, there are far enough words to describe it. Worst to worst there's the dictionary.