Reading this? Alright, now by the time you set eyes upon these words, it is either the year of 2013 or just before Jan 1, 2012. So here is what I have to do, I am just a simple message of text but nonetheless, I contain thought that may prove important lest you forget.
Now, first of all, to those future Bay12 forum goers: Bay 12 is one of the most disciplined and mature forums out there, it contains people from all over the world who are ready to share their story or provide some conversational cheer. There are many things to be learned from the people here as many also learn from the words you leave behind.
To: Self,
You learned that you had a talent for drawing and crafting stories and worded tales all along! You just needed a bit of prodding there. Continue that talent and let it not go to waste! You are in College, in a University that many respect. Whatever path you take in your life, remember that the
last word is in your hands, never let others decide your life for you. The most they can do is influence you, even if you do see that it currently {sucks}, do look on the brighter side. It may, or may not be one year from the writing of this and I'd bet you would have already forgotten most of what is here but this is what I have to say to you:
"Believe in yourself, and believe in others. The world may {suck} in what you currently see but know that there is good out there, there is always room for hope and improvement no matter how bleak the time may be. Be Yourself. No person is evil."
Lets see if this remained the same now that you're done reading this
