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Author Topic: Tanglesword - Baby's First Succession Game, With a Dash of Genesis Mod!  (Read 1841 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Welcome to Tanglesword!
A Genesis Mod Succession Game


If you don't know by now, Genesis Mod is a mod made by Deon. It adds many things, new ores, workshops, plants, wildlife, new hostile civs, new friendly civs, it expands on pretty much every moddable point available. It is required if you wish to take part in this game, or else you will crash when you try to open the save. You may find it HERE.

One of my favorite parts about Genesis mod is the caste system it uses. It replaces the "standard" dwarf with the caste called "Stone Dwarf" and then adds a bunch of others. It ranges from the useless-beyond-comprehension Domple Dwarf to the near-indestructible Steel Dwarf, all with their upsides and downsides, save the Stone Dwarf which is a balance and the Domple Dwarf which has no upsides to speak of.


We've genned a world, medium size, medium history, high civs, high site limit, very high beasts, very high savagery and minerals everywhere. We've embarked on a tropical, savage, neutral shrubland with deep and shallow metal and flux. The whole dang mountain is made of diorite. Our embark crew is something fairly standard, with someone who can fish, carve bone and craft stone goods, 2 miners, one being part mechanic and one being part mason, a carpenter/woodcutter, a grower and a soldier, armed with an iron breastplate and short sword. There's also a brook.

Anyone may opt to be an Overseer for this fortress. There's 8 spots available. If you don't want to be an Overseer, then you may opt to have a dwarf named after you. You may make a request on what job you want, but don't expect us to try to preserve your life. You can, however, be named again if your dwarf dies. If we run out of people to play, anyone may opt to go more than once. I may increase the amount of players if we hit the cap.


1) Don't intentionally kill the fortress. That means no flooding the world with magma until act 33, no cracking open hell when we obviously aren't prepared, no opening the door to let any sieges that may be outside in, none of that. I reserve the right to kick you out of the game forever and rollback to the previous person's turn if you destroy the fortress. Accidents happen, though, especially on a game as complicated as Dwarf Fortress, and I won't punish you for another Overseer's mistake (like pulling the lever that the previous Overseer made that destroys the fortress with magma without marking it as such). If something happens that wasn't expected, then I'll make an exception.

2) To Overseers: mark your goddamn levers. I don't want random levers that annihilate the fortress when they're pulled to be left unmarked and pulled by the next curious Overseer.

3) Pictures and journals. I will make an exception if you can't get any screenshots for some reason (protip: ctrl-alt-printscrn takes a printscreen shot of only the active window) but keeping us updated on what's going on is mandatory. You can RP if you want, like saying "Log of XXX" or whatever, and make sure you put the date above that journal entry (I.E: 24th of Timber, 256)

4) NO OBSIDIAN DWARVES IN THE MILITARY! For the not so Genesis savvy players, Obsidian dwarves are a caste of dwarf that make good metalworkers and can throw fireballs. I'm 99% sure I've seen these guys throw fireballs in combat and I don't want our entire military roasted in their armor and the entire surface world reduced to ashes because one of them decided to have a Centaur BBQ. All the other castes are fair game, though.

Aside from those, you can do what your heart desires!


I will post the list of all players and links to their saves and journal logs, like so:
Jacob/Lee: (1)(2)(3) *SAVE LINK HERE* (status)
The "(1)(2)(3)" will be replaced by links to the journal entry(ies).

The games should be uploaded to Mediafire, which also requires no subscription. Make sure you compress/zip it first. I use the WinZip format. Mediafire is located HERE.

And now, the player list.

And remember, it's all about Fun!

Sorry about the lack of pictures of embark and the not-so-descriptive embark manifest.

P.S. anyone can give me tips on how to improve the OP, I'm not much for formatting topics
« Last Edit: December 23, 2011, 06:44:33 pm by Jacob/Lee »


  • Escaped Lunatic
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Re: Tanglesword - Baby's First Succession Game, With a Dash of Genesis Mod!
« Reply #1 on: December 23, 2011, 03:14:36 am »

I'd like a turn, and a dwarfing, sam is fine. My first succession game/forum post. Looking forward to seeing how others build. Plus i always quit a fort whenever something small goes wrong so im hoping this will break me of that seeing as it is not my fort.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Was too long. Sorry Urist.
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Re: Tanglesword - Baby's First Succession Game, With a Dash of Genesis Mod!
« Reply #2 on: December 23, 2011, 02:33:18 pm »

1st Granite - Early Spring - 251
   Here we are. "Tangledswords," the prime location that is going to save our graaand nation. Our scout said that it had everything we'd need. Water, soil, stone, perfect to create a new, thriving city for the glory of Ittasiden- "The Tender Paddle." I was chosen from the prison to lead the group of settlers, and I can see why. I was a great miner in my day, before I did something I wasn't so proud of. Danger is in my veins. My distant distant distant cousin might've killed a wyvern.
   Anyways, we hauled all of our shit up with the help of a few pack animals. I have to admit, the monarchy did give us everything we needed. Lot's of food and drink, seeds, the good stuff. They even sent us a bodyguard, though I think her job is more to observe us than to guard us. Anywho, we need to make some shelter. Let's hope the rock is strong.

        A stockpile area has been dug out of the soil, and it holds all of our gear form the wagon. It will be de-constructed, and the wood used for beds. The dogs are playful, and will be trained to create war animals. We're starting to dig out a series of rooms and dorms for our dwarves.

15 Felsite - Spring/Summer - 251
   We've secured a nice little dwelling on the side of the hill. A wave of immigrants came, and added to our population, bringing it up to 13 percent. Two dorms have been constructed, and beds have been laid.

   A workshop and a kitchen area have been laid down too. These will supply our little fortress with prepared meals and hooch for the upcoming winter. As for me, I have been toiling day in and day out, mining an co-ordinating the whole damned lot. The fucking domple dwarfs don't do anything. I hope that I can use capital punishment. I've asked all of the unskilled and dumb shit workers to start farming. We need liquor.
9th Galena - Summer/Fall - 251
   A dorm has been extended, and farms have been built. I've sent out a general order than all unimportant dwarves will halt stone to the stockpile to keep the outpost organized and clean. Last night I tripped over one of the damn stones and almost dislocated my kneecap. Next is the dining room. A wave of immigrants also came today, and they'll add to our roster of unskilled workers. I have a grand plan for this fortress. It's going to be great.
Farms have been built, and they're going to grow the ubiquitous plump helmet, some cave wheat, and some sweet pods. All is well.

18th Limestone - Fall - 251
   Fuck the domple dwarfs. They're all pieces of shit. Most of the time they just stand there, taking up food and drinking our liquor. I told one of them to get the fuck outside and haul some fish to the stockpile. He punched me in the damn face. I retaliated the fat fuck, nearly bashing his ankle to pulp. He knew not to mess with me again. Another migrant wave came today, bringing a bone doctor and a furnace operator. This is great for my metalworking operation and medical operation. The rest of the migrants were more unskilled workers, so I set them to farm and use the coal furnaces.
7th Sandstone - Mid-Fall - 251
   The dining room is up and running! My people can now eat in peace and rest, enjoying finely cooked meals of fish, sugar, sweetpods, and meat. We're almost done furnishing the dorms. The progress we've had today means for a celebration! Everybody should just get fuckin' drunk for a day without work! We're going to have watchdogs soon enough! We're going to build furnaces!

22nd Timber - Late-Fall - 251
   It's going to be a new year. A caravan from Ittasiden arrived, bringing me miscellaneous goods that might help me to survive the winter. I ordered lot's of meat, like it's a one-year trip dwarves takeout restaurant. I hope we like goat!

All we have to give them is some shitty sweatshop stone crafts. I wonder if they'll actually give us anything for them.
The smelters are going up! We're mining for coal, and we're going to smelt the limonite that we mined at the start of this god awful thing!
21st Moonstone - Early Winter - 251
   The smelters are up. They're going at a slow pace, and we're still creating coke, but it will get there. First, we will make a chain to constrain one of the war dogs at our entrance. Secondly, another pick will be made, and thirdly, we'll make militaristic shit. Another migrant wave arrived, bringing nothing special. Seems like we're getting all of the shit. We have tons of dogs so I'm going to have some of them put down.

15th Granite - Early Spring - 252.
   My time is up. I'm done with my term of service, and I can hopefully retire in peace. While I won't be leading the fortress, I would still be mining. We never made any of the three things shown above. Oh well. I can't take any of the damn pressure. The other shits will deal with the domple dwarfs.

Here's the save.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Tanglesword - Baby's First Succession Game, With a Dash of Genesis Mod!
« Reply #3 on: December 23, 2011, 06:42:36 pm »

Before I start, here's the Calender if you aren't well-versed in Dwarf Fortress months (like me).

Log of 'Jacob/Lee' Nethkogan, Farmer

12th Granite, 252

Today, I was appointed to be the Overseer of this fortress, which was previously run by a good-for-nothing criminal. It looked pretty good, until I took a closer look.

First, we have absolutely zero doors installed, and just a few sitting in a workshop. Second, what the hell is this?


Is this a joke? Who crams all these random items into a single stockpile?! I'm fixing this problem. The previous Overseer seems to have dug everything on the same floor, too. We're going up, where the soft soil will be easy to carve into rooms for stockpiles.

The larger stockpiles will hold furniture and wood, while the smaller ones will hold cloth and leather. One of our miners also appears to be acting... Strangely.

14th Granite
Again, I have noticed more logistical errors. Namely, our forges. Our smiths have absolutely no nearby stockpiles, which means they need to walk all over the fortress to gather the supplies they need to be able to smelt one bar of iron. Construction of stockpiles above the forges have begun immediately.

15th Granite
The issues get bigger and bigger each day. I have learned that all our seeds, food and drink are also packed into that one stockpile. I am digging 2 stockpiles under the dining hall, one for food and one for booze. I am clearing the walls between our farms and placing the seed stockpile there. I have told our farmers to grow sweet pods on one of our extra plump helmet plots.

16th Granite
The miner that was acting strangely has come to me with a smile as wide as all the rivers in our kingdom telling me about a door he created.

I just smiled and pretended to be excited when he made it. I'm thinking about which room I want to install it in, the refuse room or the dung pit.

17th Granite
The seed stockpile between our farms has been completed and the moving is underway. Carving of the food and drink stockpiles has begun.

21th Granite
I have noticed our dwarves are almost shuffling by each other as they try to get to the farms through the residential area. The digging of a route through the back of our dining hall to the large room behind the residential area has begun. I have decided to do something about our... Strangely laid out dining hall. No dwarf wants to share a table!

27th Granite
Migrants have come. A lot of migrants. Our population is 40 now. Among the migrants are some notable dwarves, a grand master weaponsmith, a grand master fisherdwarf, a legendary brewer and a few dwarves with some combat skill. 2 dwarves have been added to our lacking military, and the construction of defenses, with our recently-added team of masons in training, shall be built. I've heard there are Beastmen stirring on the horizon...

We also have a large problem... Puppies. The annoying things are running all over the place and slowing down travel for our dwarves. Construction of a cage has begun...

2 butchers, a tanner and the cage will go there. I think you know what that means.

8th Slate
I was walking down the hall when I saw the most horrible thing I've ever seen... It was this gigantic slimy beetle the size of a small cat, I almost stomped the thing to paste until Monom Kastiden, a local gem cutter, shouted at me and told me not to do it. It turns out this awful thing is Monom's pet.

6th Felsite - Late Spring of 251
Ushrir Vaboktirist, a thresher who has been turned into a furnace operator, ran to me, pale as a ghost and sweating more than I thought any dwarf could. He stammered a lot, but I eventually made out that he was chased by a pack of raptors on the hunt when he went to get some limonite to smelt. I told him to just sit down and take deep breaths. He sat down and started to cry.

13th Felsite - Late Spring
The walls outside our door are about 50% done now. I'm also installing a lever-controlled bridge over a moat, said lever will be in the dining hall.

16th Felsite
A Dusk Elf caravan has arrived. We have no broker. Our Militia Commander, a founder, has been appointed to the Broker position for now.

17th Felsite
A Sylvan Elf caravan has arrived as well!

19th Felsite
I was walking down the hall, getting my feet caught on the unsmoothed surface of our hallways, when I heard a dwarf shouting. I ran to the scene and I saw this:

It was a kobold thief! The dwarves, terrified by the sudden appearance of the filth, dropped their stuff and scattered like giant roaches in the magmalight. The vile creature was just as afraid of us as we were of it and it ran as fast as those rat legs could take it. His buddies showed up several times, all repeating the process.

25th Felsite
We traded a bunch of shitty stone crafts for wood, which none of us actually know the value of said stone crafts.

2nd Hematite - Early Summer of 252
Monom's horrible beetle has grown to full size today. We also finally started to fill the stockpiles above the forges.

18th Hematite
The merchants have left, the wall is almost done.

27th Hematite
We got a migrant wave today. The notable dwarves are a Skilled diagnostician, High Master miner, several dwarves with *some* combat experience, and a buff pump operator whom I thought was male at first...

4th Malachite - Mid-Summer of 252
The wall has been finished! I'll love to see Centaurs get through several Urists of dwarven stone!

5th Malachite
The Hoardmaster came to me today. He told me that he had recently taken stockpile records, and that we're out of booze! This cannot stand! A couple more stills have been built to increase alcohol production.

7th Malachite
Edzul Akinber, one of our soldiers, has been acting strangely today...

I've been told he used to be a glassmaker before he was drafted, from my knowledge of behaviors like this, he wants a glass furnace.

...And I was right.

He started to mutter something. I picked up my book on behaviors like this and he seems to be saying he wants green glass, some kind of thread and stone blocks. The problems: we have no glass or thread. Hopefully he can make it until the merchants arrive again.

20th Malachite
I never mentioned it earlier, but half of the residential area has been smoothed. Our engravers are working on the other half right now.

22th Malachite
I went outside to get away from Monom's beetle and when I looked out towards the pasture from the walls, I noticed our bull moose had been mutilated with blood spread several urists in every direction. The others are saying it is the work of a terrible flying sea monster, I say they're just being paranoid. It was probably just a kobold trying to mess with us.


27th Malachite
After that sea mon- kobold scare, I told everyone it was alright and we should start creating more fuel. All our smelters are turning bituminous coal and lignite into fuel as I write.

28th Malachite
That coal won't last forever, so I'm expanding upon a random tunnel the previous Overseer dug during his rule. Maybe we'll find something valuable!

In other news, we have 50 drinks now.

11th Galena - Late Summer of 252
I've issued the order to start making coffins and digging a crypt, somebody or somebody's pet is going to die eventually. I hope it's Monom's beetle that goes first.

12th Galena
I've noticed that ZombiLoin and Meng Kosothamud, a miner who is also one of the founders, have been spending a lot of time together. I think they're in love!

13th Galena
Dunedweller merchants have arrived. Let's see what they have for sale! The crypts have been dug out and are being cleared of stones right now.

19th Galena
A Keeper caravan has arrived as well. We have run out of all coal to turn into fuel and more thieves have failed.

21st Galena
Goblin pedophiles! Protect the children!

1st Limestone - Early Autumn of 252
I saw Edzul today... It was a sad sight. He was slowly walking along, sobbing softly... He said to his squad leader "I couldn't do it, ma'am, I couldn't, I couldn't make my artifact..." If only, oh if only we could've done something to save him!

9th Limestone
The merchants left today. They had absolutely nothing worth trading, surprisingly.

12th Limestone
Some of our pups have reached the age where they can be trained. They have been let out of their cages to be taught the art of war.

14th Limestone
Oh god, oh god, oh god oh god oh god oh SHIT what do we do?!

I ordered everyone into the fortress until further notice!

It.. Uh...

Yeah, it's stuck. We carved another way in through the soil to the right. We'll kill it... One day. Until then, it's never getting out unless it's smart enough to bash down the doors..

Wait, what was that?


The Creative Barricades, our 7-dwarf, unarmed military, have been sent to kill the beast!

The Founder/Militia Commander is credited with the kill. One soldier died, everyone has some injuries. Our military truly is talented.

20th Limestone
A small, makeshift hospital is being carved for our wounded.

13th Sandstone - Mid-Autumn of 252
More migrants, this time we have a truly amazing dwarf:

I hope my successors do all in their power to keep this one alive.

20th Sandstone
I get a feeling all of our soldiers are mentally disturbed.

25th Sandstone
The hospital is smoothed and half-furnished. Suitable for any patients, though.

More of our animals in the pasture died... Could it be the sea monster? No, wait, this time it was that damn pack of raptors.

1st Timber

However, ZombiLoin is being chased by a raptor! Scramble the Creative Barricades!

The Barricades showed it what happens when you chase dwarves!

It has been killed, and is going to be turned into a roast.

8th Timber
One of our wounded soldiers just got diagnosed.

He's done for, I've seen dwarves with infections before... They usually don't make it. It's a shame we couldn't help this poor soul.

Damn you, Cyclops! Damn you to hell!

14th Timber
Today was a beautiful day in the fortress!

Two dwarves' love for each other has finally shown and they have gotten married!

In other news, an Orcish caravan has shown up! And the caravan from home!

19th Timber
*this page is stained with mud*
While I was in the dining hall writing in my journal, I heard shouting coming from the merchants outside. I ran out there to see what the problem was.

"What the hell?! Why are you stealing their cloth?!"
"We need cloth for the patients, sir!"
"You fucking morons, we're supposed to BUY the cloth from them!"
"But sir!"
"No 'buts', you give that cloth back rig-"
Then I got trampled by the wave of dwarves mugging the caravans of their cloth. What is wrong with these dwarves?

22nd Timber
We bought some of the cloth... What remained of it, that is. We also bought all their wood, and their glass for the moody soldier.

11th Opal - Mid-Winter of 252
Aside from the caravans leaving, nothing happened.

9th Opal
Kogan Noramnish has been stricken with melancholy... I wish there was a way to prevent this terrible fate... If only we had glass.

17th Opal
I have learned something, this river freezes solid during the winter. Gotta find water, or else the patients will die...

1st Obsidian - Late Winter of 252
YES! I'm one month away from giving someone else the "luxury" of running this hellhole!

5th Obsidian
The brook thawed this morning.

22nd Obsidian
I never got around to it earlier, but I have set up a line that produces pig iron effectively. You just need to forge steel at the finishing forges, located on the right wall.

1st Granite - Early Spring
Yes, my time is up! Here's a sketch of the fortress as of now:

That cut-off part is the crypt and tunnel, below the dining hall are the booze and food storages.

Up one level, those are the stockpiles above the forge and dining hall.

Status screen.

Download the save here.


  • Escaped Lunatic
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Re: Tanglesword - Baby's First Succession Game, With a Dash of Genesis Mod!
« Reply #4 on: December 23, 2011, 07:27:24 pm »

downloading now but with the holidays i might not upload till sunday or moday at the latest. also nice job with the cyclops im suprised we survived.