Round 1 - Fight!Dave1004 (Terranator) versus Digital Hellhound (CHARIOT):
The two winners face off and engage! Terranator knows what is coming, and moves to defend! Sure enough, CHARIOT launches its Anti-Tank Missile to start the round, but Terranator is ready and it only inflicts
one damage!
CHARIOT begins maneuvering to avoid any incoming shot, and just barely dodges Terranator's Hellbore laser shot! It inflicts
one damage in feedback to its wielder!
Terranator: 9/11 HPCHARIOT: 12/12 HPInitiative Phase 1:
Dave 3
DH 2
Dave action: Dodge 3 (+2 next defense roll)
DH Action: Anti-Tank missile Atk 2 Def 2
(2+2) + 1 - (2+2) = 1 damage
Initiative Phase 2:
Dave 1
DH 1
Coinflip: Dave
Dave action: Hellbore cannon Atk 1 Def 2
(1+1) + 1 - (2+1) = 0 damage
DH action: Dodge 3 (+2 next defense roll)
(Neither of you rolled better than 3 this turn. You call yourself champions?)
Fergus (Phacon) versus Darvi (Will-E)Phacon is quicker off the starting gate, and fires its Railgun in an attempt to disable Will-E's missile racks. The aim is off and the shot impacts the body, but it still inflicts
one damage. He then moves closer to attack with its club. Will-E moves to intercept, and activates the Equalizer!
**KABOOOM**Phacon is blasted backwards and knocked flat on his back, taking a massive
seven damage! Will-E, however, takes
eight damage of self-inflicted pain. Will-E collapses and doesn't get back up.
Will-E has been destroyed!
Initiative Phase 1:
fergus 4
Darvi 3+1
Coinflip: fergus
fergus action: Target Railgun at primary weapon 2 (Regular attack at -1)
Atk 3 Def 2
(3+1-1) + 1 - 2 = 1 damage!
Darvi action: Self Destruct (2d4+2) Atk 3+3+2=8 Def 2
8 + 1 - 2 = 7 damage, 8 to Darvi
Darvi destroyed!
With a surprise move, the lower bracket contest is over, and:
Phacon wins the round!
Phacon: 2/9 HPWill-E: 0/9 HPTurn 9: Combat round 2! One battle is over, but the champion is still to be determined!
(Yes, Darvi's action was to self-destruct twice.)