I learned a valuable lesson today: creating a GIF is a harrowing experience. I'm still not sure why the background keeps changing color, but whatever.
Act I: The Dragon Egg
Scene IIYou fruitlessly flutter around. Apparently your wings aren't quite flight capable yet. What a rip-off! It makes you so miffed you want to torch something with your great dragon-y fire breath. All dragons can do that, right?
You take in a deep breath, preparing to let loose a roar of fire and doom. Adorably, of course.
You release a gout of spiritfire! A riotous multitude of colors and energies emanate from your jaws, mixing to form a tapestry of life and death!
You have no idea what it actually does, but it sure does look cool.
Action List:Forage for food and water.
Try to breath fire.
Go hunting.
Things to Decide:What do you do now?
That first image is the first GIF I have ever made. I think it turned out pretty well! The only problem with it is that I could have made three or four other images in the time it took me to draw that and figure out how to turn it into an animation. Despite that, here's your fire-breathing update.
Also, gradients! First update with gradients! Woo! Passing milestones left and right, people!
(Hint for later: you can breath out individual types of spiritfire. And there's a lot of them; if you can think of a breath weapon from anything, odds are spiritfire can do what it does.)
I basically just went on how most powerful explosives are nitrogen based?
If you think about fire, it'd be oxygen that's more important than nitrogen. If you take an acetylene torch without oxygen, the fire will still be red and yellow; with a tank of oxygen attached, it turns blue and white. For explosive, Wikipedia says that it's used with liquid explosives as a safety measure, so odds are it won't help with fire. On the plus side, maybe it'll keep Tal'dir from exploding randomly!
Bah, hoped our title would be of better use than initial sustenance.
But... it's chalk! I mean, little kids probably eat it all the time. You eat it when you accidentally eat a piece of shell with a hard-boiled egg. It doesn't do anything.
Question though: Does our little friend know how to kill? And what is its size anyway?
Also, check for teeth. I'm not even sure we have them yet.
Aw, crap! I forgot about teeth-checking. I was planning on doing that in this update, but I guess that'll have to wait 'till tomorrow. As for the killing, he knows how to kill stuff. He's probably about... I dunno, maybe a foot and a half long? Two feet? He's somewhere around that mark.