Actions: 6 Housing upgrades on the current ones to bring them up to the technology possessed. This will convert the housing from shacks to bio-metal tree houses. I'm assuming this will work like normal housing, so I expect 6 ISU used up.
2 more ISU will be spent on the new Spec Ops unit the Cr'yan have been researching. (and 2 luxury goods, ofcourse)
Scout Fleet in the 122 Q system shall have a closer scan of the habitable planet.
Home Scout Fleet shall head to the 120 T system and scan the planets there
A'ki was smiling at long last. The events of the past couple of months had been concluded, and now there was a ceremony for those that had shown great valour. There were quite a few, to say the least, of the dead militia gaining honours for bravery, many giving their lives to save their friends.
The call had been great, and Mat'hel was to recieve the highest medal that could be given, 'Or'la's Honour', a medal that came about from Or'la's great courage in the Great Civil War. The medal was decided upon by the past generals, many who had at one time held Mat'hel's command, many who are many times his age. The medal was presented by Ko'sol, insisted by A'ki to have the honour.
Then, there was a speech from A'ki.
''In a time of sadness, it is great to see the courage Cr'yan display in times of trial. And it seems that Mother Nature may have granted us a blessing. Our scouting ship that left last month reached it's destination and has found 2 planets of worth. One that looks habitable and another that's a hydrogen gas giant. There are more pressing home matters to contend with, but I hope to be able to exploit these planets in the near future. However, I wish to bring us all up to a technological standard, and am presenting new housing to replace the old. The current average dwelling consists of wood and rope connected to low lying trees. For centuries, that has been fine, but now in an age with our recent bio-metal, it has become backward. Using techniques passed down on us, we will weave this bio-metal around trees in a non-damaging way to provide high-end housing in subjection to Mother Nature and the way of the Jungle.'' She smiled cheerfully, her youth possibly getting through her professionalism.
The road ahead was still going to be tough. She and Mat'hel still had to contend with being the youngest yan ever to hold their respective stations, and both had to lead the Cr'yan into the stars. Ko'sol himself was now going to be the sole teacher of the ways of the Jungle to the lesser priests who were still learning. But it was also a road of opportunities.