Welcome to Colonizer.Net version three.The Berylin sector of the galaxy isn't very important. At all. But its one of the most hotly contested sectors of it. Empires fight bloody or not so bloody wars for a place of absolutely no worth.
The fun part is...Your one of the empires! Unite the sector under your banner, by peace, by force, or by randomly burning all of the other planets. Go crazy. This sector of the galaxy is your shelled mollusc species!
Rules: Are out of twenty for various things.
A battalion (200) of Fighter Ships cost: 2PP, 1Fuel Unit, and 3ISU. +2 to space combat, bombing campaigns and air support rolls and the like. +1 to general combat.
A Regiment of Marines cost: 1PP and 2ISU. +2 to general combat rolls
A battalion (50) of Hover Tanks cost: 2PP and 4ISU. +4 to general combat rolls
A battalion (25) of Artillery costs: 1PP and 5ISU. +5 against entrenched enemies, fortifications, and anti aircraft attack rolls and the like. +1 to general combat
Modifiers to combat are subjective and bonuses are as well. Different units and armies can be recruited, don't hesitate to ask!
A turn is roughly in game, two solar months.
Each fleet has is its own turn movement. A standard, unupgraded fleet has one (1) turn movement. You receive one (1) movement turn for every FTL engine upgrade on the fleet. On the map in the page below is the position of star systems. Each square a fleet travels removes one movement point from the fleet’s total. One turn movement consumes one fuel of the fleet.
Moving to a new star system costs one turn. Moving to any planet within that sector or getting info scans is a free action of the fleet that is in that system.
When you build an upgrade, marine force, building, fleet, ship, station, or colony, it will be finished (1) turn after you bought it.
For the sake of fairness: It costs one movement point to attack a planet/satellite/colony.
Fleets can be upgraded with whatever you wish, when I have more time I will make these upgrades up.
All fleets can be decommissioned at a Starport. They can be later resurrected for half of the ISU originally required to build them. All fleets have initial capacities for fuel.
Fleets can carry two units of fighters or regiments. A fighter group or marine force counts as a unit.
War Fleets usually consist of one(1) capital ship, Two(2) fighter/troop carriers, and Six(6) Skirmishers, these cost: 5PP, 4ISU. The initial fuel capacity is four units.
Ships must be a colony to refuel. Failure to refuel makes the ship derelict. Two turns of being derelict destroys the fleet.
Colonizer fleets cost:1PP, 3ISU. The initial fuel capacity is three units. This ship can carry up to ten population units.
Ships must be a colony to refuel. Failure to refuel makes the ship derelict. Two turns of being derelict destroys the fleet.
Merchant fleets cost: 1PP, 3ISU, and can establish trade routes, which bring in whatever is being traded for. The initial fuel capacity is two units. Ships must be a colony to refuel. Failure to refuel makes the ship derelict. Two turns of being derelict destroys the fleet.
Building Fleet cost: 2PP, 2ISU (Can carry three units of ISU.) Can build structures anywhere, but cannot carry any population.The initial fuel capacity is two units. Ships must be a colony to refuel. Failure to refuel makes the ship derelict. Two turns of being derelict destroys the fleet.
Scout Fleets cost: 100hp and 1ISU. Can scan, examine, explore, and set beacons and spy on planets. The initial fuel capacity is three units and as such is incredibly explodey. Ships must be a colony to refuel. Failure to refuel makes the ship derelict. Two turns of being derelict destroys the fleet.
Barge Fleet To transport resources from system to system: Specs coming soon!
Buildings increase a colony's output of a certain resource.
- {NAME_OF_FUEL} Refinery : Increases the Production of fuel in that colony by two units. 4ISU to build and has a 2PP workforce requirement
- Loom : Looms can turn two food units into an instant population unit. Adverse side effects may and most likely will occur. Exchange rates may differ. 10 ISU and 4PP are required to build and has a 1PP workforce requirement.
- Ore mines : Increases ISU output by 1. Requires a metal to be present for a plus one to ISU output. Two Mines per Ore only. Requires 2ISU to build and has a 1PP workforce requirement.
- Smelters : Increases ISU output by 3. Requires two mines for every one smelter. Allows fleets to be built in a spaceport. 6ISU to build and has a 2PP workforce requirement
- Housing projects : Increases Population Housing Capacity by two units. 1ISU to build.
- Spaceport : Allows for trading, construction of ships, launching of ships and refueling of ships. 5ISU to build and has a 2PP workforce requirement
- Research Lab :Allows research. 2ISU to build and has a 1PP workforce requirement.
- Farms : Produces three food units. 1ISU to build and has a 1PP workforce requirement.
- Tribute Office: Automatically sends excess or requested resources to home planet or wherever requested. One fleet, 2ISU, and 1PP are required to build and has a 1PP workforce requirement.
- More to come. These are just the basics.
Upgrades upgrade stuff. A fleet can only have three upgrades. Land forces can only have two.
For Colonizer fleets:- Loom.Create new or old races or just clone your own. 4ISU
- +1 FTL engine. 2ISU to build
- +2 FTL engine. 4ISU to build
- +3 FTL engine. 6ISU to build
- +1 Fuel Capacity. 2ISU to build
- +2 Fuel Capacity. 4ISU to build
- +3 Fuel Capacity. 6ISU to build
- And so On. All of these cost basically the same and modify some form of them. Like passengers, cargo,or whatever
Warship Upgrades (Here comes the *BOOM*): - +1 FTL engine. 2ISU to build
- +2 FTL engine. 4ISU to build
- +3 FTL engine. 6ISU to build
- +1 Fuel Capacity. 2ISU to build
- +2 Fuel Capacity. 4ISU to build
- +3 Fuel Capacity. 6ISU to build
- Worldender cannon: Allows you to destroy entire worlds with the press of a button and the turn of a key. Warcrime. 12ISU to build and a firing cost of 2 fuel. Luckily it comes with free storage tanks.
- Heavily armored: +4 to defense against fleet and land bourne projectile weapons. 2ISU
- Heavily shielded: +4 to defense against fleet and land borne energy weapons. 2ISU to build.
- World Burner Payload: Allows you to "disinfect" the surface of the entire planet. Warcrime. 5ISU to build and a to maintain of 1 fuel.
- Heavy Bombing Payload: Heavy bombing payloads. Allows you to bomb the planet's cities. 3ISU to build.
- Harbinger Cannon: A beam of light and an explosion. Instantly destroys a single unshielded city or ship and shuts down the shields on a shielded city or ship. Can only be used twice per turn. 5ISU to build.
- Make something up. I'll tell you how much it costs.
And more including some for land forces...But I’m to tired to write those up right now.Planets, when colonized, produce resources. Resources are shown like so "(3PP/6u/4ISU/3u/1u)"
The first number is how many people live on that planet, it is in population points.
The second number is how much food is produced in units. A billion people eat 2 units of food a month. Lower numbers eat less and it will change as needed, but if it's twice as much as the population number, it's usually good. Excess food can be turned into more instant population with a Loom. Otherwise, every twelve turns i'll roll and see how much the pop increased.
The third number is the industrial capacity in units. Ask what you want built and you'll get an estimate on how much Industry units you need to build it. ISU means industrial supply.
The forth is fuel, in units. A standard colonizer requires one unit of fuel a month, a fleet of warships requires one.
The fifth is trade item production in units. This is trade potential and such.
This is to make managing a galactic empire easier on me and most likely the players.
Militia: These soldiers cannot be used off of their homeworld, often have horrible morale and discipline, may turn against their superiors with provocation. The number of Militia Regiments you can raise is dependent on a dice roll with a lot of modifiers. After the threat to their planet is over, these people will go back to their past jobs. Forcing them to stay on as a real military or go to another planet will result in a full-on armed rebellion.
Due to lack of clarification and how weird it would be if all the planets were of the same size, all planets are going to be labeled on a scale of size one (1) to size ten (10).
Size*5=total number of building slots. Buildings slots are how much space that planet has for building on.
Home worlds are automatically size 6, which means they have thirty building slots.
Space stations:
Space stations are considered size four upon creation which requires eight (8) ISU Spending one (1) ISU and one (1) Fuel, will add on two building slots to the station, until the station reaches twenty-eight (28) building slots
Building slot costs for Buildings.
Capital: Three (3) building slots.
Refineries: Three (3) building slots.
Smelters: Three (3) building slots.
Loom:Three (3) building slots.
Spaceport: Three (3) building slots.
Research Lab: Two (2) Building Slots
Mines : Two (2) Building Slots
Tribute Office: Two (2) Building Slots
Housing projects: One (1) Building Slot
Farms: One (1) Building Slot
Pop units are the lifeblood of your empire.
Population units leave in Housing Facilities. Each housing Facility houses two population.
One pop point eats one unit of food per turn.
The workforce is who operates the buildings which produce resources. Population that is not enlisted in active military duty is equal to workforce.
Workforce Requirements for Buildings.
Refineries: Two Population Units Workforce requirement.
Smelters: Two Population Units Workforce requirement.
Loom: One Population Unit workforce requirement.
Spaceport:: Two Population Units Workforce requirement.
Mines: One population workforce requirement.
Farms: One population workforce requirement.
The entire Morale of the empires will be calculated per turn.
Large empires, War, Lack Of Housing/food, lack of luxuries, and building destruction lowers morale by certain amounts.
High Luxuries, Trade, High Public Health, Order and a government that cares increases morale.
Breathable Atmosphere ((Breathing any atmosphere isn't overpowered)):
Average lifespan:
Body composition((Nothing overpowered)):
Planet type: Marshy or a desert or what?
You can do whatever you want to conquer the system.
((Holdon, I got rushed, more to come and some fixes later.))
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