I started chatting on IRC when I was 13, back in 1996.
Ooh, reminds me of another (long abandoned) identity, from IRC. And one which I might as well expound.
The first time I joined I was unaware that spaces wouldn't be allowed (at least not without tricksying the name-definition, a bit) so when I chose to be called "Six Speed"[1] I ended up as "Six". (If anyone mentioned it, they generally thought I'd taken that from The Prisoner, of course.) One night, everyone on the channel I was on[2] decided to promote themselves, and so I became "LordSix", and kept that name (and even registered it, by whatever mechanism existed) for evermore. Not sure if I was still on IRC in '96, so you probably never talked to me (even if I was on the same channel-splits as yourself), but you bring back nostalgic memories.
[1] At the time, and I suppose continually since, I was (I suppose) railing against these new-fangled Mountain Bike things with a large number of gears, most of which are useless anyway. My bike at the time had
six rear sprockets and a single chain-ring, which was enough for me.
My current bike has a double front chain-ring, but there's so much overlap I only really shove down to the smaller front one when I've gotten to the largest rear one and feel uncomfortable. Unlike some bikes, my pedals don't (appear to) go round faster than if I was directly peddling a unicycle wheel. I still see these now-not-so-New-Fangled mountain bikes with loads of movement but not so much forward motion.
[2] It did involve a bit of RP, but I don't recall I ever did what "da yoot ov 2day" call 'Cybering'... Not me being repressed, just too much other stuff to do, like getting people onto channel #eliza claiming 'she' said she knew the guy[3]...
[3] It was usually a guy. And, while there
were female names on IRC, that I took on trust, older and wiser me is sure that not every one of them (even/especially those that became a Lady on that mentioned night of noble-promption)
was entirely honest. Maybe it was good fortune that I never
did Cyber!