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Author Topic: Fortress of Blood-Dungeon Crawl RTD/Turn 6 Dragons Challenge, The Demons Howl  (Read 37945 times)


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Re: Fortress of Blood-Dungeon Crawl RTD/Turn 1.5 Baggage
« Reply #75 on: December 23, 2011, 10:31:09 am »

Before anyone panics, turn is 90% written-thought I'm stuck on Goseki/Law as usual, who is the hardest to write for.

Turn up this evening, most likely.
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


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Re: Fortress of Blood-Dungeon Crawl RTD/Turn 1.5 Baggage
« Reply #76 on: December 23, 2011, 12:25:48 pm »

Sorry everybody :(


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Re: Fortress of Blood-Dungeon Crawl RTD/Turn 2.0 Sunder
« Reply #77 on: December 24, 2011, 04:47:24 am »

Saren Of Tyria/Micelus

So many...All wanting this Source...But how many wish it for just purposes? Most probably have come for the wealth to be gained, or the glory, or perhaps the knowledge...Or perhaps not. Perhaps it is time to find out?

Saren wanders around the expedition, finding out if there are any specific factions. After finding it out, she will find a secluded area and set up a little shrine (made of a few rocks) to her family god-spirits. She had been neglecting her duties of prayer of late, now would be a good time to rekindle her relationship with the spirits. Request a simple blessing and guidance. Then go looking for other lizardfolk.

You quickly get the lay of the camps 'factions', and there are three that stand out. The largest, compromised of about 60% of the adventurers-the more physically inclined among you-follow a Human Ranger named Stromgand. He seems to dislike...well, pretty much everyone not in his retinue, non-humans most of all. He seems to have a specific grudge against another Elf in the band you have not spoken to yet.

The next largest is about 30% of the rest of the group-the more intellectual, and magically trained adventurers. They have gathered under an Archwizard named Angvard-an ancient loremaster who seeks to the secrets of the Source to unravel time itself, or so he claims. He and his followers consider themselves elites-and don't mingle with anyone outside of the circle if they can help it.

The rest-a motley bunch of those who wouldn't be accepted in the other groups-seem to have gathered around a young alchemist named Halbarad. The young man doesn't consider himself a leader, but he has a likeable, warm personality that easily attracts friends and allies. He's now recovering from a beating he got not long ago by some of Stromgands followers...

During a quiet night-after your somewhat unsettling conversation with the horned man-you set up a simple stone shrine to your God-Spirits. Never a better time, right? As you pray and cast your mind toward the God-Halls they inhabit, you find they are paying attention to you-in fact, you've never heard them this clearly. They're arguing! Some of them are angry you abandoned your duties in te Conjurers Guild, and are against aiding you-others admire your tenacity, and wish to help...eventually, they grudgingly come to an agreement.

She hears the echoing voice of the All-Father in her mind.

"Saren, my child. You have taken a great risk in what you are doing...and yet, without risk...there is no advancement. We have seen your future-it is grim, but the end is not yet set in stone. You have paid us honor, so we shall reward you...but know this, many of us do not believe you will prevail, no matter the strength of your heart. You must prove us wrong, my grand-daughter...please, prove us wrong..."

Gained: +40% Piety with Ancestor Spirit-Gods
Gained: Blessing of the Ancestor Spirits


The next morning, Saren looks for other Lizardfolk


Sadly, there is none beside herself-the closest is a single one of the Dragonborn, kin to her own race. She knows Lizardfolk in some circles revere Dragonborn as their own race perfected, while others despise them for their haughty nature, insisting Lizardfolk have just as many strengths as they do. Saren has not met enough of them to make up her mind.

He seems a muscle bound, plate armored Cleric of Kron named Rhogar. The male does not speak or interact much to anyone, aside from his God. He seems to be keeping emotional distance from his potential competitors.


She finds herself intrigued, all the same. He carries his massive warhammer and platemail as if they weighed nothing but air, along with the usualy clerical accrouments-and on his wrist is some sort of sand stone time keeping device he never removes, but he does place his hand in it from time to time, and stare into the distance as if trying to see or hear something-when he does so, you occasionally catch him grinning or scowling, as if what he detects sometimes pleases or angers him. Odd.

In any case, he does seem to be setting quite a pace, travelling at the head of the column-silently daring the other members of the expedition to go further and faster than they might preferred. What's he in a hurry for? You do wonder.

Days pass, nights fall-you prefer camp rations over dipping into your personal stock, naturally. It is one of those fairly pleasant nights when things change for the worse...later, you'll remember how everything went downhill, as Stromgand called everyone in for a meeting in the center of camp...

Spoiler: Inventory and Status (click to show/hide)


Use my lore on the plants here, and search for something that can be used in beneficial potions, or just normal food.

Ochita took out a book with a green leaf style cover, with 'Flora in generic forests', and began to search a grove, taking brief glances at the book, lifting leaves with his cutlass. After taking some plants from one grove, he moves to another, seeing what could only be an elf, and old woman. He sheaths his cutlass, and made a benign gesture.

[2+1] (+1 lore Bonus)

Ochita knowledge of plants is not so great-especially this far South from his homeland. Still, with his book on flora he manages to identify whats poison and whats not. Eventually, he just decides to stick to mundane plants. [2][1] He manages to scrounge up a days worth of fresh potatoes on the trail-which he gingerly salts to keep fresh-while he travels, and a little bit of Laumwort located under a rock.

Gained: 1xPotato Ration/1 Day of Food
Gained: 3xLaumwort Sprigs/ Heals 10% HP, can be used to brew HP potions

Days pass, nights fall-you prefer camp rations over dipping into your personal stock, naturally. It is one of those fairly pleasant nights when things change for the worse...later, you'll remember how everything went downhill, as Stromgand called everyone in for a meeting in the center of camp...

Spoiler: Inventory and Status (click to show/hide)

Feleris Valinar/Tiruin
> Forage for some herbs then craft into remedies/poultices or potions, bargain with others for vials or containers for storage of said items. Check on Halbarad, in secret and in stealth, inquire on who his attackers were and again, chat with adventurers. Try to gain information in general but mostly about the thoughts on the Source and our next destination from here, possibly use reputation to aid in the asking, but subtly and carefully. Also, fletch ammunition for later use. Keep watch on suspicious characters in scouting missions and in free time. Remain non chalant but alert in actions.
>Continue search for herbs, trade with others for containers. Search for materials for fletching and mostly, converse with people encountered. Also, keep watch for suspicious characters. Pray to the Goddess, and get a new tent or find shelter.


Feleris has difficulty finding time to forage for plants-Stromgand keeps him on patrol constantly, and when he tries to get time to himself, the man seems ready with the next set of chores. Stromgand even hits he might hurt Halabard again if Feleris is out of his sight for too long...

The Sylvan Elfs willpower is tested...but he knows the man wants him to lose his patience, start a fight. Feleris remembers his training and stays calm.

Still, you don't catch much. Since Stromgand refuses to let you eat camp supplies, you end up eating your meager catches for sustenance.


Finding wood is similiarly difficult with the constant harrasement. He doesn't manage to get enough craft more than a half dozen arrows.

Gained: 6xSwiftflight Arrows


Not all the news is bad. He returns from patrol the night after his tent was burned to find a new one built in it's place, made out what looks like the canvas cover of one of the supply wagons. Feleris looks inside and finds a note from Halbarad explaining how he got some his fellows together and built a new one. Good thing-since the rain starts that night, and won't let up for a week.

You meet Halbarad later to thank him, and enquire about his wounds, which he says are healing nicely-on the subject of his attackers...but he doesn't budge.

"I don't want you seeking vengeance on my behalf, Feleris...we've enough bad blood in this group as is...if you really want to know, just look at the people who hang closest to Stromgand all the time..."

The young man sighs.

The people that come to mind are Stromgands two closest friends-they act as his bodyguards around the camp. All you know is one is a Female Human Blackguard-that is, an evil sort of Paladin-and the other is a Male Human, and some sort of barbarous warrior who carries double axes and is rumored to be able to make strong winds with his breath.


Camp life progresses. Feleris keeps an eye out for suspicious characters...other than Stromgand himself, he spots an honest-to-Goddess Demon that has somehow been travelling with them! Such creatures are almost always wicked.

Furthermore, there's a gangly sort of woman-a spell caster, if her wand is any indication-that seems to have an unhealthy fixation on the Demon, or the other way around. He notices them speaking together now and again.

Several times he notices a pretty young Human girl skulking on the edge of the group-not entering, but following all the same. She even comes near the fires at night to share meals. But whenever Feleris seems to detect her, she seems to vanish-and in her place, the old healer woman always seems to be around at the same time. Are they connected in some way?

Further investigation on the means and nature of the Source are fruitless. Everyone has a different idea. No one has any proof. One of the men tells you the Wizardly fellow with the curved sword actually has a copy of the journal of Toz, and so does the Archmage Angvard. They might know something for real, but if so, they have not shared it with anyone.

You make sure to pray to the Goddess every night.


You sense, while she hopes you succeed in your quest, she cannot condone your actions, yet. She requires further proof that you are not being merely selfish in your desire to seek balance for the world...she is worried you will forget her teachings in the dangerous road ahead.

Gained: +20% Piety

Days pass, nights fall. You catch enough to stave away hunger, saving your precious waybread for dire times. It is one of those fairly pleasant nights when things change for the worse...later, you'll remember how everything went downhill, as Stromgand called everyone in for a meeting in the center of camp...

Spoiler: Inventory and Stats (click to show/hide)

Rhogar Steelscale/Zako
>Go hunting for food, pray a little to Kron, check the progress of my enemy and make sure we get moving soon towards the fortress.


During the nightly hunt, you tend to keep moving-speed is your only advantage. And well timed lightning bolts. [4] [5] You manage to kill a medium size deer with a well timed bolt and a hammer to the skull, and by nightfall you've turned it into rations-what doesn't fill your belly, you smoke over a slow burning fire and save for later.

Gained:2xSmoked Vension Rations


Your prayers are noticed. Kron seems to want some results, though. For now, he is cautiously optimistic...

Spoiler: Worshipping Kron (click to show/hide)

You find yourself concentrating on the shackle more and more as the journey continues to check the progress of your Orcish foe-the feeling is almost one of being able to spy on someone from the shadows-sometimes, you can almost just make out what he's seeing through his own eyes, even. It makes you feel a bit guilty...until you remember he is an Orc. In any case, you learn quickly the tingling at the base of your skull means he's doing the same to you, for longer periods, but not as often.

[3] vs [2]

You determine your foe ran into a spot of trouble-there is a feeling he was wounded...there is a mental flash of something with large teeth and very bad breath-but it didn't slow him down very much. The delay cost him, though. You feel you will arrive at the Fortress of Blood before him. This is confirmed when you detect his own sense of frustration, knowing he will be beaten to the punch.

Needless to say, it's also disturbing, feeling the Orcs emotions. They are bestial, to be sure-full of violence and murder. Then again, so are yours-he is as consumed with revenge for a past wrong as you are. This Orc is alike to you in many ways, no matter how much you would want to deny it. Such the fact does not change the reality-he will die by your hammer.

You make sure to set a furious pace, not daring to slow down for the sake of those that follow you. Surprisingly, most the group seems motivated by you to keep up.

Days pass, nights fall-you prefer camp rations over dipping into your personal stock, naturally. It is one of those fairly pleasant nights when things change for the worse...later, you'll remember how everything went downhill, as Stromgand called everyone in for a meeting in the center of camp...

Spoiler: Inventory and Status (click to show/hide)

Goseki Sakane/Lawastooshort
Whilst looking unsuspicious, Goseki will forage for a few particular herbs to dry and add to her medicine pack...


Goseki keeps up with the group. Many of the warriors instinctively fall by her side, trying to protect her-she reminds them of their grandmothers, naturally...

When she's not entertaining the camp with her stories-or calmly defusing conflicts among the group-she's searching for plants, and she's lucky in that regard, finding a nice stash-tasty Silverleaf, soothing trotters balm and noxious Kobold Bulbs...

Gained: 2xSilverleaf/1 Day of Food
Gained: 2xTrotters Balm/Heals 50% HP, requires 1 turn of rest
Gained: 2xKobold Bulb/Can be brewed into acidic Gnomeblight, a potent poison against all Humanoids-only Gnomes particulalry so.

Days pass, nights fall-you prefer camp rations over dipping into your personal stock, naturally. It is one of those fairly pleasant nights when things change for the worse...later, you'll remember how everything went downhill, as Stromgand called everyone in for a meeting in the center of camp...

Spoiler: Inventory and Status (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: December 24, 2011, 08:20:08 am by Dwarmin »
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


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Re: Fortress of Blood-Dungeon Crawl RTD/Turn 1.5 Baggage
« Reply #78 on: December 24, 2011, 04:51:30 am »

When done speaking to conjurer, attempt to find a lackey or minion of some description.


It's not very hard. Their dark thoughts have been calling out to you ever since you set foot in the march. You find three...potential candidates. Either from your own inbred dark desires, or random chance, they are all female humans. Each one could stand up to one of your principal foes, in theory.

The first one is another of those young people, pale and skeletal from long toil in lightless libraries, with a touch of arcane corruption seeping from them. They only desire power-power to control, to crush, to consume, to seduce-and yet, they have no control over these desires-and even delude themselves into arguments of the greater good. These easy to dominate and corrupt.

Delicious. You quickly befriend this...Human. Or try to.

"What do you want?" She says, her tone of voice jittering wildly. She fears you. Good.

You see she might be some sort of Necromancer-judging by the skeletal hand hanging from her belt, and the twisted blackwood wand.

She asks again. "Get on with it, already...I don't like you. I'm not defenseless you know! Don't try me."

The fact that she casts her eyes away as she says it proves otherwise. But, you can sense power in her. Great power. Power that could be a threat to you.

For that first meeting, you merely smiled and walked away.

The next was a Blackguard-an evil sort of Paladin, who served exactly the opposite ideals. You delight at the irony of pitting her against the Shining One, a task she would be well suited for-if she was more experienced. She is young, foolhardy and utterly merciless, or so she would believe. Deep in her soul, you spot many imperfections-an inner ugliness that rivals your own, depressingly enough.

She is friends with the "captain" of the expedition, a Ranger Human named Stromgand...he and she are together, at least, in a physical sense-they 'couple' almost every night, and call it Love. Disgusting... A possible betrayal will push her on the path to being your servant. But she is strong-and her unholy powers are as lethal to you as holy ones are. Dare you try to tame this serpent, her fangs dripping with venom?

Ahh, then there is the third. She reminds you of a certain assassin...apparently some sort of Pirate Wench, she swaggers around camp with twin  cutlasses and strange weapons called "pistols", getting into fights, drinking and gleefully knocking men larger than her to the ground. Approaching her may be dangerous. Your senses tell you the young woman is seeking the Source for no other reason than her own greed. She is not quite as evil as the other ones, but balanced between the scales. A poor choice, in comparison to the other two, perhaos-but she is not unskilled-adept at stealth and ambush tactics, blood thirsty and selfish. Easy to control, and easy to predict when she will betray you, as they always do.

Humans are such interesting creatures, are they not?

Your enjoyable snooping is only interrupted by a rumble from your ring. Apparently the Princes of the Nine-Hells are angry you didn't try and contact them-and yet, if you had gone to the trouble, they would have chastised you for wasting their's up to you if you want to answer the summons or not.

Spoiler: Inventory and Status (click to show/hide)

OOC: Last chance for RP-Rykmar probably needs to pick a minion to seduce-and allowing you to look over your sheets and approve/disapprove before we begin in earnest.

If it wasn't obvious...

DF: Defense Rating is how much you can take in combat before losing HP
ST: Physical Guys use Stamina
MP: Magical Guys use Mana
HP: Health Points
« Last Edit: December 24, 2011, 05:00:11 am by Dwarmin »
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


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Re: Fortress of Blood-Dungeon Crawl RTD/Turn 2.0 Sunder
« Reply #79 on: December 24, 2011, 05:40:03 am »

This doesn't sound good...Probably going to murder us so only he and his lackeys can take the fortress...Must be careful...May my ancestors guide me.

No, she would not go to this farce. She would leave now...After warning her kin. The dragonborn, as distantly related as he may be, was still kin. In truth, Saren would have wished to save them all, but then Stromgand and his lackeys would be suspicious. She looked for the dragonborn, and shadowed him for a time. Just watching. Then she approached, tapped his shoulder and whispered, "Fear not; only a distant cousin. A warning, Stromgard probably plans to kill us all at his meeting, I say that we should leave while we can."

Before he could respond, Saren left to gather up some supplies...As wrong as she felt about it.

After warning the dragonborn, Saren will pilfer some supplies (food and restoratives) from the caravans and tents, and then travel into the night towards the Fortress of Blood. Conjure up a tamed horse if and bound it if I have enough mana.

You win Nakeen
Marduk is my waifu
Inanna is my husbando


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Re: Fortress of Blood-Dungeon Crawl RTD/Turn 2.0 Sunder
« Reply #80 on: December 24, 2011, 06:43:09 am »

((I literally rubbed my hands together in excitement when I saw this had updated. :P))

Rykmar licked his lips as he considered his options. The pirate was a solid choice, certainly, but not a very good long-term investment. No, he'd want a more useful, permanent minion.

The blackguard was tempting- perhaps moreso than the necromancer. A powerful, dark-hearted warrior, even a bit conflicted on the dark-hearted part, was truly a worthy servant. Alas, she was currently taken by someone he couldn't afford crossing- yet, at least.

That left the necromancer. An ambitious servant of the dark arts, fearful to the point of panicking near him... ah, glorious. He'd bridge the gap between her current abilities and her potential, and gain a loyal, intelligent, unfathomably powerful servant, able to raise horrifying servants and strip his enemies' life force.

Abruptly cackling in the middle of camp probably wasn't helping his reputation, but he had a good reason this time. Oh yes, a very good reason.

First though, he decided to check on his patrons. It was impossible to determine what they would want, but as he fully intended to play by Lust's and Pride's styles in the immediate future, he might as well see if they wanted him to do something he already had planned.

Once that was taken care of, he'd deal with his soon-to-be pet. First, he'd approach her completely fearlessly. Then, he'd stand too close, look her right in the eyes, chuckle at her threats and boasts, and generally make it clear that he found her amusing rather than threatening or even competent. Once she'd been cowed, he'd seduce her in earnest, complimenting her looks and latent talent and just generally letting her know that he wanted her. A bookworm like that couldn't have had much experience with being in demand for anything, and unless he missed his guess would crumple instantly to such seduction.

((I notice I didn't get the meeting bit at the end. Was I not invited/aware of it?))
Quote from: Radio Controlled (Discord)
A hand, a hand, my kingdom for a hot hand!
The kitchenette mold free, you move on to the pantry. it's nasty in there. The bacon is grazing on the lettuce. The ham is having an illicit affair with the prime rib, The potatoes see all, know all. A rat in boxer shorts smoking a foul smelling cigar is banging on a cabinet shouting about rent money.


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Re: Fortress of Blood-Dungeon Crawl RTD/Turn 2.0 Sunder
« Reply #81 on: December 24, 2011, 06:51:42 am »

((@Ironyowl: That was just me giving you time to try and get one of your minions before the expedition is so obviously destroyed. At that point, most of the people you know will be scattered throughout the fortress and difficult to meet.

So, you are time wise, a bit behind the rest of the group until you want to catch up.))
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


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Re: Fortress of Blood-Dungeon Crawl RTD/Turn 2.0 Sunder
« Reply #82 on: December 24, 2011, 07:08:24 am »

((Question: Does this mean I won't know what the Princes want until the game officially officially starts?))
Quote from: Radio Controlled (Discord)
A hand, a hand, my kingdom for a hot hand!
The kitchenette mold free, you move on to the pantry. it's nasty in there. The bacon is grazing on the lettuce. The ham is having an illicit affair with the prime rib, The potatoes see all, know all. A rat in boxer shorts smoking a foul smelling cigar is banging on a cabinet shouting about rent money.


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Re: Fortress of Blood-Dungeon Crawl RTD/Turn 2.0 Sunder
« Reply #83 on: December 24, 2011, 07:14:26 am »

((I plan to just rapid fire roleplay out your stuff with you IronyOwl, so you'll have a good idea of your standing with them before you begin.))
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


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Re: Fortress of Blood-Dungeon Crawl RTD/Turn 2.0 Sunder
« Reply #84 on: December 24, 2011, 07:18:46 am »

((Ah, cool. I guess my official action is answer summons then.))
Quote from: Radio Controlled (Discord)
A hand, a hand, my kingdom for a hot hand!
The kitchenette mold free, you move on to the pantry. it's nasty in there. The bacon is grazing on the lettuce. The ham is having an illicit affair with the prime rib, The potatoes see all, know all. A rat in boxer shorts smoking a foul smelling cigar is banging on a cabinet shouting about rent money.


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Re: Fortress of Blood-Dungeon Crawl RTD/Turn 2.0 Sunder
« Reply #85 on: December 24, 2011, 07:30:01 am »

Spoiler: OOC note again (click to show/hide)


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Re: Fortress of Blood-Dungeon Crawl RTD/Turn 2.0 Sunder
« Reply #86 on: December 24, 2011, 08:16:37 am »

((answer summons))

Rykmar does not fear much in this world or any other.
But the Nine-Hell Princes still make him nervous.
He answers the summons, and finds half of his Demonic essence whisked away back the HellPlanes. The other half, his physical form, will stay in the Mortal Plane, anchored by the ring-and if any threat should appear, in either world, he can return to his body with a mere thought.
He lands in Hellplane with his usual diplomatic flair-trailing a cloak of hellish embers, wearing a fashionably angled hat made of flayed and stitched Human skin-and his nude body is embellished with a truly portentous amount of jewels and precious metals. Such is the form he prefers when in Hell.
Compared to the twisted, horrendous bodies of the other Demons here, it marks him as one of the "freed" Demons-who can afford such luxuries-and he does so enjoy feeling superior to the rabble.
Any feeling of superiority begin to wilt when he finds himself not in one of Sins courts...but in their shared Palace. Every one of the Nine surrounds him in a wide circular chamber. A place of judgment. Each one is looking down upon Rykmar, waiting for him to speak-even though they were the ones who summoned him! 
He knows whoever he turns and talks to first will look upon him with favor...and whoever he turns his back to will find affront. Such is the games the Nine play with those they rule. Each of the three occupy one corner of the room, which is colored with a certain light.
To one side of him sit the princes of Greed, Pride and Zealotry, in the Red corner.
The Prince of Greed keeps his four heads on Rykmar-each showing a different emotion-and counts his bloody little treasures with his many hands, sorting them over and over. He sees Rykmar and reflexively hides them in the many pouches that adorn his gilded vest, eyes narrowing in suspicion.
The Prince of Pride, a short feline Demon, puffs out his chest upon seeing Rykmars finery-though his own is far more extravagant to make up for his diminutive stature. It was said the Prince of Pride was once an Imp...
The Prince of Zealotry sits off to one side, swinging his ridiculous Twin-blade-hellswords in an arc, dueling with Wrath. his eyes and mouth, all forever yawning, each burning with a blinding red light. He sees Rykmar and nods, but doesn't stop fighting.
To the opposite side of them sit Lust, Apathy and Sloth-in the Green corner.
The princess of Lust grins-stretching her sinuous, deadly, entrancing body with deliberate ease-trying to catch the Viziers gaze. Rykmar tears his eyes away, lest he be enthralled.
The Prince of Apathy is a bored looking Demon-he didn't bother to get dressed for the occasion, preferring comfortable slacks and an open throated shirt. He yawns and smokes his joint of lost souls in quiet contemplation.
The massive Prince of Sloth sits placidly, moving with reptilian slowness. As he sees Rykmar, though, his triple alligator-like jaws begin to open and close, drooling acidic spittle-which hits the floor of the circle with a hiss as it melts the floor-almost as if he was imagining turning Rykmar into a chew toy.
Gluttony, Wrath, Envy occupy the final corner-the Blue one
Gluttony is..eating, naturally. His bloated form is tended to by hundred of Imps, who helpfully deliver food into his maw-and get eaten alive if they don't move fast enough to get out of the way of those shark like extending jaws. He sees Rykmar and scratches his prodigious belly with one of his long, thin arms.
Envy, a long and tall demon, looks down upon Rykmar with his eel like head-Envy's face, a row of teeth without eye, mouth or nose. It hisses hungrily, wanting Rykmars...everything. His face, His emotions, His life...
Wrath, the most Humanoid seeming demon of the Nine, off to one side fighting with Zealotry-his weapon is a massive organic looking axe with an living eyeball in the hilt, and his body is akin to a man lit on fire. He too nods to Rykmar, but doesn't stop fighting.
The gruesome bunch waits patiently.
Which corner does Rykmar turn to?

Spoiler: OOC note again (click to show/hide)

OOC: Yep on the first question.
I just wanted to see if anyone was really unhappy or happy with what I thought up for them, really.
Also, whoopsie on the arrows. I didn't add them. Fix'n'
« Last Edit: December 24, 2011, 03:06:40 pm by Dwarmin »
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Fortress of Blood-Dungeon Crawl RTD/Turn 2.0 Sunder
« Reply #87 on: December 24, 2011, 09:27:32 am »

A meeting? It doesn't seem that everyone is happy about this idea... They fear him? Or his so-called leadership? I'm not here to be drawn into the petty arguments of pettier adventurers...

And that Jiang girl... never mind that she could give me away, always hanging around like that. Well, she's smart enough. Amongst all these Outlanders I come to realise that our quarrel is somewhat... futile. We are both mountainfolk. We've always fought but we've always banded together to keep what's ours. And she wants the mountainfolk to rise back up to our old influence too. Maybe... A thought for another time perhaps.

Brew up the Kobold Bulb if there's time. Inconspicuously disappear from camp about three or four hours before the planned meeting - head South and then as soon as Goseki's out of view, stealth round to the North. Find a hidden vantage point over the camp, but one where Goseki could plausibly be gathering herbs. Observe the meeting. Use Goseki's Intuition on the stealth role.

P.S. totally approve.
« Last Edit: December 24, 2011, 09:37:06 am by lawastooshort »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Fortress of Blood-Dungeon Crawl RTD/Turn 2.0 Sunder
« Reply #88 on: December 24, 2011, 09:29:12 am »

Feleris was troubled as he marched about in the camp. His meeting with those two humans in the past days hung on his mind. He was too defensive to even introduce his own name to them! These past days were harsh on him, but that was expected and he pushed those thoughts away, however his mind was filled with doubt, yet again he felt like being trapped between two forces: one screaming that the meeting was a whole damn trap, that this 'ranger' was going to slaughter those that did not agree with him, that he should leave while he could. Nature has provided for him this long, what would keep it from providing for him when he actually did leave? These were fought back by another, calm and reassuring voice, and it was the one that swayed his decisions.

The truth of Halbarad's words calmed his spirit, there was much evil already in the world and he did not want to add to it. It was by those words, that opened his mind. The teaching of the Goddess and his encounters those two humans while gathering herbs also gave him thought about dropping his defenses and actually opening up.

But there was more that lay on him, the fact that there was a demon in the camp set of his internal alarms. As far as he knew, demons were conniving, deceitful things, looking for power and control. Did the Source actually hold enough power to gain the attention of the ruinous powers? The woman it was meeting must most likely be one of its minions, or something close to that. He had to warn the others.

And that young lady he kept on seeing whilst on patrol, by what he gathered, there was much more to her and the elder he met earlier. The elder's age was one thing that brought his compassion out, and she did not seem to be one of those who carried her own will before others.  He felt drawn towards her as a friend though despite the little time he had in contact with her. That man dressed  in teal too, was he a wizard of some sort? It was a shame though, that he had to return swiftly back to the camp lest he arouse the suspicion of their glorious leader. was really time he dropped his defenses, his goal was generally balance but how could he attain that if he did not treat everyone else like they should be - as equals. Yes, the fact that he was treated as an outcast stung  him deeply as he thought about it, but that did not make him as they, and he deeply regretted his actions. The road ahead was going to be tough, there was a huge army in between the fortress and them and he knew he could not achieve it alone with this burden on him. He had to make amends in anyway necessary, to be himself and not Fel, his alias in this strange land.

Seeing the moon and stars shining bright in the sky above, he sighed to himself as he packed his belongings in his tent and whatever scant remains of his food supply left along with his weapons; there was still time before the start of the meet.

((OOC: If anyone wants to talk, just say please. I'm not sure how to word meeting other players here. Might screw it up.))


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Fortress of Blood-Dungeon Crawl RTD/Turn 2.0 Sunder
« Reply #89 on: December 24, 2011, 09:59:27 am »

Goseki approached Feleris as unremarkably as she could during the lunchtime meal (or whichever meal is 5-6 hours before the meeting).

"I noticed you don't have much time for foraging, what with all the scouting that one who fancies himself to be chief sends you on...  I'm going gathering some herbs this afternoon - is there anything you lack?" She decided she could probably trust him, and if not could trust her lifelearnt skills, and added, so no one else could hear "I'll be out harvesting to the North, if you suddenly realise there's something you need."

During a lull during the day, try to seek out Saren, to ask if there are any minor ailments that bother her... "I've only ever healed up lizardfolk a few times before, I have to say I'd be honoured to get the chance to refresh my memory..." and try to size up his intentions and character. Politely.

Also listen to the general chit-chat of the camp to see what the majority's reactions to the meeting are, and to Stromgand's leadership. Use my old woman friendliness and general acceptance amongst the travellers!
« Last Edit: December 24, 2011, 10:32:49 am by lawastooshort »
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