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Author Topic: Circle of Magi I:T.R.o.M.;Chapter 3: Once a Saint ...  (Read 26950 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Circle of Magi I:T.R.o.M.;Chapter 2: They Who Wage War
« Reply #255 on: February 27, 2012, 03:03:01 am »

> Do as he says.


  • Bay Watcher
  • immortalis redundus
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Re: Circle of Magi I:T.R.o.M.;Chapter 2: They Who Wage War
« Reply #256 on: February 27, 2012, 05:21:47 pm »

agreed go warn the others.

and i say we use green. cuz every1 used blue for the hero.
voice of evil reason


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Circle of Magi I:T.R.o.M.;Chapter 2: They Who Wage War
« Reply #257 on: February 28, 2012, 06:47:58 pm »

Chapter 2: They Who Wage War

You agree to his terms, and begin to walk away from him back towards the Academy, as you leave you hear his voice echoing in your head, "Goodbye, its better this way, a God should not stand beside a demon." You feel a sadness overwhelm you, the farther you got from the building the more it tugged at your heart, and by the time you were standing in the entrance hall facing the group of Magi about to head towards the buildings tears had filled your eyes. They look at you, and some start to head for the door, but stop as you speak "Do not go to that place, any of you who venture near it will die, Death will make no exceptions." As you finish you feel an intense pain rip through you, and you fall to the ground sobbing with tears flooding down your cheeks.

You lie on the ground crying for over an hour before someone comes over, and picks you up, you think it might be one of your room mates, but your eyes are to clouded, and misty to see anything clearly. As you are carried you continue to cry, and when whoever it is places you in a bed you slowly drift into sleep heaving, and racked with sobs as the pain presses on your heart. Your last thought before you fall asleep is, 'Something is missing, give it back, please give it back.' Then your vision begins to face, and you hear a mocking voice reply 'The Son of Sin has died, the one of the Prophecy will no longer be born. Don't you want to die, and join your Artificer wherever he may be?' With those words filling your mind you lapse into sleep.

In your sleep you dream, Alexander lies on the floor, his demonic hands bound by silver chains, and with a hole where his heart should be yet he still breathed, and looked about searching for something. As you look upon him he spots you, and smiles 'Become strong Daughter of the Exile, I have left you with powers that have marked you. You will be hunted by those who wish to destroy that curse  have given you, but you must not die. All I ask before I die is for you to live on, do not avenge me, do not shed tears for me. Live, and find your way in life, do not seek any path you do not wish to follow, and do not seek to destroy those who have killed me for the sacrifice I have made has saved you. Goodbye, Goddess of the Night." As the words fell from his lips, and his body fell limp the tears came once again, and you lapsed into cries of pain once more as the darkness over took you as it so often did.

You embraced it for the cold feeling of the shadows in your mind took away your pain, in the shadows that hole in your heart disappeared, however briefly it was everything just went away ...

Chapter 2: Goddess of the Night, Ends

Well that is the end of Chapter 2, it would have been longer, but your actions, and choices made me find a new path in the story that I liked more. Now for some updates on things, when Chapter 3 begins you'll have to decide whether to head out into the world, or search for a master to train under, I have removed stats to keep this more story involved then statistic based, and have removed the few rolls I actually do make to make everything more fluid, and entirely story/action based. I'll compile the updates since the end of Chapter 1, and have that posted tomorrow, or later today. In the mean time decide what path of action you want to take from here.


  • Bay Watcher
  • immortalis redundus
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Re: Circle of Magi I:T.R.o.M.;Chapter 2: They Who Wage War
« Reply #258 on: February 28, 2012, 09:27:18 pm »

hard choice. do we grow through experience or through teaching?

do we wander so no1 who hunts us knows where we are or stay surrounded by other mages for protection.

i say we leave and if any1 tries to stop us tell them its for the safety of the school.
voice of evil reason


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Circle of Magi I:T.R.o.M.;Chapter 2: End, Goddess of Night
« Reply #259 on: February 29, 2012, 08:27:53 pm »

It took me like five times to fully understand what you typed :\


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Circle of Magi I:T.R.o.M.;Chapter 2: End, Goddess of Night
« Reply #260 on: March 01, 2012, 12:07:57 am »

(Please type in full words, not text-speak or what you call it.)

Firstly, train up by exploring the lands, for there are many things that await to be discovered.


  • Bay Watcher
  • immortalis redundus
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Re: Circle of Magi I:T.R.o.M.;Chapter 2: End, Goddess of Night
« Reply #261 on: March 01, 2012, 09:39:26 am »

It took me like five times to fully understand what you typed :\

sorry, spent a ridiculous amount of time on starcraft 1 since it released so the way people talked there became my standard type.
voice of evil reason


  • Bay Watcher
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Circle of Magi I:T.R.o.M.;Chapter 3: Once a Saint...
« Reply #262 on: March 07, 2012, 04:12:18 pm »

Chapter 3: Once A Saint ...

You sit at a old rotten table in a tavern that might have once looked beautiful, but the faded paint, and crumbling stones that are ever present mar the possible beauty of the structure. A dented flagon of ale sits before you half-empty, and your belongings lay in the pack by your feet. 'How long had it been since you last slept in a good bed, and dined at the Academy? How long had it been since you left, and an all out war erupted between the few existing nations of this world?' you thought as you took another swig from the flagon, and repositioned the hood over your face. The memories all came back to you as you took a sip from your ale, all of the day you left the Academy, and the day Alexander died...

A Month Ago ...

You stood in-front of the Headmaster, the ground around you covered in dried blood, scorch marks, holes, and more vile things. Gathered around you were twenty other students that had decided to head out into the real world to do what they could to protect it. All around you a massive crowd of magical beings; centaurs, ogres, half-men, elementals, magi, and many more had come to send you on your way, with blessings, gifts, and advice to help you survive in the world outside. Out of those who are leaving you only know two people, Freya, and the mysterious boy from a long time ago.

The gathered crowd is a buzz with talk, but they all fall silent as the Headmaster clears his throat, and spoke, "Friends, allies, family, and lovers. These are the things that will stay with us through life, and yesterday the rogue demon hordes attacked us, and slayed many of these. Some of you may wish revenge, some of you may be leaving us today to do just that, but would that truly honor their memory? For you to charge head-long into a battle you can not win, and die? That is not what they would have wished, they would have wished for you to continue to live, for you to continue to fight against the darkness that is flowing across the world, and for you to stop it. Today you will live this place, you will leave the Academy not Apprentices, but true Magi, Sorcerers, and the like. When you leave this Academy you will walk out into a world filled with war, and strife, these events will bring about a war that this world has never seen before."

He took a pause to wipe some seat from his brow, and you notice his hair more filled with grey then when you had first met, the months had not been kind to such an old man. He quickly continued, "I am afraid to say that this will show our true weakness to the world, we Magi are few in numbers, and those of us with great power are either old, or to young to truly use it. Nations will challenge us, and nations will fight other nations. Brothers will kill brother as each faction struggles to gain our power, and exploit the weaknesses that will appear. Those of you that leave this day will be tasked with trying to stop these wars before they kill thousands. You will be thrust into danger, and for that I am sorry, but if you do not do it many more thousands will die in this needless war. On this day I declare all of you true Magi of the Academy, may you serve your people, and your nation well." With that he stepped down from the platform, and the crowd closed in to congratulate, and help you as best they could. By the end of the day you had everything you owned on your back, and at your side.

Just beside your head the crystal had floated once more, it had been that way when you had awoken after seeing Alexander die before your eyes. That pain still filled you, but it had dulled like a rusty blade stabbing you in the side. With that you set out into world to do what you had been tasked with for what else would you do, you had no real reason to live, but that one goal the Headmaster had given you, so you followed.

-- Back to Present day --

Over the following month you traveled over overgrown back roads, deep wheel rutted trade roads, and paved highways as you sought even the slightest information Within the first week you got wind of a small group of Magi that had been hired by the Alonar Empire to the north, what they planned you knew naught, but you had followed the rumors to this sleepy little town, White Spires, on the border of the two nations. All you knew was that the group numbered about five, and that they were located somewhere in this town, but you had no plan. 'What can I do now, I don't really have any leads.'

Spoiler: Belongings (click to show/hide)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Circle of Magi I:T.R.o.M.;Chapter 2: End, Goddess of Night
« Reply #263 on: March 08, 2012, 09:19:40 pm »

:) Bump (:


  • Bay Watcher
  • immortalis redundus
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Re: Circle of Magi I:T.R.o.M.;Chapter 3: Once a Saint ...
« Reply #264 on: March 11, 2012, 11:47:48 pm »

ease drop for awhile trying to get local information and should that fail just ask cautiously
voice of evil reason


  • Bay Watcher
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Circle of Magi I:T.R.o.M.;Chapter 3: Once a Saint...
« Reply #265 on: March 18, 2012, 11:51:32 am »

I'm going to be taking a break from this for a week, or two since this takes up a lot of time to update, and a lot of my creativity to write, but to everyone who reads this don't worry it isn't dead, and thanks for reading it so far. :)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Circle of Magi I:T.R.o.M.;Chapter 3: Once a Saint ...
« Reply #266 on: April 05, 2012, 03:59:14 pm »

Chapter 3: Once A Saint ...

You swirl the remains of your ale around in the mug as you contemplate your next move, several thoughts float through your mind, but the safest option you can think of is to try and overhear some tidbit about them from the locals. Taking the mug back to the bar for a refill you scan about the musty dampness of the tavern's main room, and scan over the moldy, or cracking empty booths looking for the more secretive of the towns people within the tavern, several groups match what your looking for, but you settle for a group of what you assume to be mercenaries across the room conversing with a cloaked figure sitting in the shadows that the several fires had not managed to brighten up. It takes you a minute to notice the bartender glaring at you, and you hastily grab the mug before scurrying off to find a booth near the mercenaries. You find one easy enough as the majority of the towns folk seem to be distancing themselves from the group of swords for hire, as you draw closer you find the shadows to remain as dark as before, and the cloaked man's identity remains hidden, but soon enough you find your way to a booth, and begin listening to the groups conversation. Out of the twenty, or so men you find that only two of them are talking, the cloaked figure, and a man you assume to be the mercenary Captain, the man wears a solid black bandana on his head, with several axes clipped into differing holsters he matches the usual description of what most people call a pirate.

"Jackson you know we need to prepare more before we can take them on, we only have half of our men in the town, and out of the fifteen Magi we have only three are here. We must wait a little longer before we begin the assault, the Magi gathering here will never know what is coming, but we must wait one more day for the others to arrive." You hear as the smooth voice of the cloaked figure makes its way to you. In response you hear the Captain, Jackson, say, "Sir, they are getting loser, and closer to finding out we are here, we can not waste another day before the attack. If we do all of our people will be wiped out, and all of our work will end here, can you risk losing this war? We must strike now, and then hole up in the old Klasari Castle to the south of here, I have men preparing it for a siege, so once we start the attack we draw them back to that castle, and make a stand until the others arrive." You barely hear a slight rustle of cloth, maybe the cloaked figure shaking his head, before the man replies, "I see your point, go tell the men, and begin preparations for this battle, recent reports from our scouts say there may be far more of them here then we first thought so hurry my friend." With that half the soldiers stand up, and hurry out of the tavern as you think, "Now is decision time, follow those that are leaving, or face that cloaked man to get answers from him ..."
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