So yeah, re-did and centralized all the orders. One last question: What is the price the Triumvirate would ask for various technology? Anything army- or economy-related is good for me.
Edit: Actually, I just realize I can raise 223 units of conscript (Green, Arquebuse and Leather-Armoured Infantry) for free. I'm so doing that. And since I got a huge blob of infantry back home, I can take all my troops with me to Ravenwood. I know it seems like an exploit, but think of them as the police forces, reserve and such.
My fief and Aeverys are now merged, and belong to Aeverys.
Reserve:+200 credits
Taxes:120+71+60+15+20 = +286 credits
Expense:51+3+20+30+30+200+72+5+5+20=-406 credits
Total:50 credits
Food Produced: 120+146-120-71-60-15-20-3= -27 units
Food Bought From Azthor:+ 27 units
Troop Salaries:
51 Regulars:- 51 credits
5 Serfs: - 0 credits
1 House Guards: - 3 credits
Turn Wildland into farmstead: -200 credits
Turn farmstead into town: -122 credits
Buy the two specialist labs: -20 credits
Modern Weaponry for the Serfs: -5 credits
Raise one unit of Barbarian Noblemen Guards with motorization and modern weaponry, scavenge flak armor from the Xenos:- 5 credits
Raise 223 units of Green, Arquebuse, Leather Armour troops: -0 credits
Raise 10 units of Regular, Modern Weaponry, Leather Armour troops. They are recruited from Delta 17 (Fortressborn):-20 credits
Take all my troops to siege Raventree
Keep investing in industrialism and flak armour.
Give all of my fiefs to Aeverys (The land, not the army).
Establish trade consulates and embassy with neighbouring states. Enquires which of those would like to swear fealty to me and join the Novan state, where they'll get protection, market opportunity and lots of money (Yes, I'm speaking of corrupting the leaders.)
Send 30 credits to Azthor for the food. (Wink wink nudge nudge)
Also, I don't like the peasant trait. We already got origin for that kind of stuff. How do you get rid of it?