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Author Topic: HOTRS II: Dead Roots Stirring Toxic Season 104AE  (Read 61002 times)


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Re: House of the Rising Suns 2: a Wild Frigate appears
« Reply #390 on: May 19, 2012, 08:59:56 am »

((@Arda: I agree with you being the highest ranking Church authority currently contactable, but you don't know about Tavius, the troops or the guns aimed at the ships unless Ghazkull says otherwise))

((I Know that inquisitor got stabbed, since Tavius did it in my office and because I got a PM from inquisition (ghaz) and I was told off for not looking after personnel. besides Averys just told me about soldiers herself, even though I decided to ignore whispers as Tari told me. And lets not forget about the ship: they see everything happening below. but enough of this, lets wait for Ghaz to move us to the ship.

As you've said, Aeverys has all but made you aware of the presence of guards and watchmen, so that is a given, but that is not the same as the full-blown military operation going on below; even Aeverys might not fully aware of it, although Roim would know for sure, having been told the specifics by Azthor))
« Last Edit: May 19, 2012, 09:33:45 am by Azthor »


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Re: House of the Rising Suns 2: a Wild Frigate appears
« Reply #391 on: May 19, 2012, 09:05:50 am »

((I did ignore it after Tari pointed the same thing out, but dwarmin decided to tell me IC anyway: How much is actually going on I don't know, I'm just acting IC on what I was told. In the end its meaningless, because when we get to the ship I will find out anyway. This is just RP before Ghaz replies to us. So please, no more abou this, its pointless and tiring to ague about nothing.))
« Last Edit: May 19, 2012, 09:08:06 am by Ardas »


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Re: House of the Rising Suns 2: a Wild Frigate appears
« Reply #392 on: May 19, 2012, 09:09:18 am »

((@Ardas: I was mistaken, Aeverys did not point out to the presence of guards and watchmen, but did, to some extent, threaten you; you shouldn't be aware of anything specific on the forces currently below you, but have more than enough reasons to be highly suspicious of the military presence or outright paranoid. The sentence below, however, seems to assume far too much:

"I advise you to stop pointing guns at Church officials and Church property, lest you be branded a heretic"

And again, saying you will be made fully aware of the situation upon stepping on the ship is a baseless assumption. That is merely a possibility.))
« Last Edit: May 19, 2012, 09:13:07 am by Azthor »


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Re: House of the Rising Suns 2: a Wild Frigate appears
« Reply #393 on: May 19, 2012, 09:31:33 am »

Damn that Azhtor! tough Roim. He doesn't seem to understand how to do things discreetly. Ain't it ironic that me, a "barbarian" warrior, should be giving lessons of discretions to the supposed stateman and stratege?

Turning to the Archon: If you're referring to our Guards, they're there only to protect our persons. The Church might be to Holy to target, but people who do not respect the sanctity of your Frigate might infiltrate an assassin among your crewmen. As for the regiments assembling below, they're only readying themselves against an emergency, if emergency there is.

Quote from: Paul-Henry Spaak
Europe consists only of small countries, some of which know it and some of which don’t yet.


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Re: House of the Rising Suns 2: a Wild Frigate appears
« Reply #394 on: May 19, 2012, 09:36:48 am »

((@Azhtor This isn't a zeppelin, is a freaking imperial frigate. It has scanners, it has radars, it has everything a deep space craft would have. They can see a whole city, its not like you can hide movements of several regiments from it. Again, its pointless discussion because I don't give rats ass about what you do on the ground. You can't fire on me unless you are heretics and I have no bad intentions towards you. This is Ghaz's event, not my plan. Btw, your escalation of things can be questioned as incredibly meta, since you got nothing more than summons form inquisitor.
Moments later the meeting of Archon Luthias and Roim is disturbed by a rather panic church servant. "M-m-my liege, Inquisitor Joras requested your presence and that of whomwever is currently in charge of Nova on the Morning seemed, urgent Lord Archon."
As it looks now, you are escalating things because Roim and Averys were asked to be seen by inquisitor. Unless they hide something, there is no reason for them to be arming against Church ship. This is a fruitless argument. But do not retcon anything. I'm not angry, I actually like when things start to get messy like that :P.))
« Last Edit: May 19, 2012, 09:40:40 am by Ardas »


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Re: House of the Rising Suns 2: a Wild Frigate appears
« Reply #395 on: May 19, 2012, 09:44:03 am »

((@Azhtor This isn't a zeppelin, is a freaking imperial frigate. It has scanners, it has radars, it has everything a deep space craft would have. They can see a whole city, its not like you can hide movements of several regiments from it. Again, its pointless discussion because I don't give rats ass about what you do on the ground. You can't fire on me unless you are heretics and I have no bad intentions towards you. This is Ghaz's event, not my plan. Btw, your escalation of things can be questioned as incredibly meta, since you got nothing more than summons form inquisitor. You know nothing of the ship. as it looks now, you are escalating things because Roim and Averys were asked to be seen by inquisitor. Unless they hide something, there is no reason for them to be arming against Church ship.
I won't write anything anymore unless its Ghaz. This is a fruitless argument.))

((No, it is an ancient imperial frigate your crew may well lack the ability to fully operate, even less so maintain all of the system operational, you don't see anything on the city except the GM says you do. And if you wish to discuss about escalation, who is hovering with a colossal military ship above House Nova's capital?))
« Last Edit: May 19, 2012, 09:47:00 am by Azthor »


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Re: House of the Rising Suns 2: a Wild Frigate appears
« Reply #396 on: May 19, 2012, 09:51:37 am »

Trent looked at Roim for a moment after he spoke, touching the amulet from time to time he thought, 'He doesn't realize that I'll need far more then a Shipyard to bring us to the stars beyond, and what he requests is quite a feat, but I have an idea ...' With that in mind Trent reached up, and rubbed his hand across the repentance seals of his hood, and spoke "Roim you seem to misunderstand many things here, for me to give you an entire fleet to take to the stars I will need more then just a Shipyard, I'll need Training Grounds for pilots, Academies for Officers, entire towns of barracks to house the crew needed to fly one ship. Also I must need to remind you that your House Scientist already agreed to work under me for your focuses have been elsewhere, I do not aim for power from the land, and men I have asked for. No I wish to take to the stars, and give our people the worlds beyond this place, but for that I need what I have asked for."

Trent took a small breath, and pulled out a holopad containing an image of long forgotten Carrier Starship as he spoke, "This right here, from the records I have found, took several thousand people to just get it moving then thousands more to man the fighters, and weapon systems within. Then there is a greater risk, an your soldiers commit their life to space, and learn the ways of combat onboard a ship? No eventually they will return to what they learned down here, and such a thing could be catastrophic fighting on ships where ever component is vital, and the slightest mistake can send it up in a ball of fire. Now let me make a counter offer, I ask you give me the shipyard, and some of the land around it to turn into the place I mentioned in my request, and the right to recruit men. Of course you will still have some power over the lands, but I will make the decisions regarding their training, research, and construction that takes part within. I am not asking to become my own country, no you will get the ships I make, I swear it on my life. As for your request I can do you one better, how about I give you the communication technology you desire, and the power to protect this city from any army?"


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Re: House of the Rising Suns 2: a Wild Frigate appears
« Reply #397 on: May 19, 2012, 09:56:04 am »

((@Azhtor This isn't a zeppelin, is a freaking imperial frigate. It has scanners, it has radars, it has everything a deep space craft would have. They can see a whole city, its not like you can hide movements of several regiments from it. Again, its pointless discussion because I don't give rats ass about what you do on the ground. You can't fire on me unless you are heretics and I have no bad intentions towards you. This is Ghaz's event, not my plan. Btw, your escalation of things can be questioned as incredibly meta, since you got nothing more than summons form inquisitor. You know nothing of the ship. as it looks now, you are escalating things because Roim and Averys were asked to be seen by inquisitor. Unless they hide something, there is no reason for them to be arming against Church ship.
I won't write anything anymore unless its Ghaz. This is a fruitless argument.))

((No, it is an ancient imperial frigate your crew may well lack the ability to fully operate, even less so maintain all of the system operational, you don't see anything on the city except the GM says you do. And if you wish to discuss about escalation, who is hovering with a colossal military ship above House Nova's capital?))

((Azhtor, I asked Ghaz about this stuff: what weapons, capabilites and what it can do, so do not presume to tell me how my ships work. I can do pretty much anything with it except fly to other systems. Also, I have access to Ecclesiastical technicians, since I'm in favour of several church factions now. As much as it may seem weird and unfair, there is a reason why I have my stuff done via PM and there is plenty of stuff that you do not and should not now. So please, stop arguing and wait for Ghaz. I'm playing pretty much along the lines he sets me via PM. I'm aiding him in running the game as much as I play myself by generating interactions with house Nova.))
« Last Edit: May 19, 2012, 09:58:07 am by Ardas »


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Re: House of the Rising Suns 2: a Wild Frigate appears
« Reply #398 on: May 19, 2012, 10:15:47 am »

((When did the House Scientists agreed to work for you? I missed that par. Oh, well))

Roim was impressed by the young man. Here was someone without friends, without an army or land or relations that was asking him, leader of the greatest empire on this world to give him cities and control over thousands of men. His offer couldn't be turned down tough. He was the best shot House Nova had at getting starships, and the Pancreator knew they needed starships.

Ahah, that's the kind of lad I like. Well, pardon my ignorance, but I've never set foot on a starship, much less travelled to the star, so I wouldn't know about these things.

However, I don't think you realize exactly what you'll need. Even if you have the right to recruit men, how will you pay them?
Gesturing toward the Carrier's hologram Building a single of these will take the ressources of the whole planet. Even if I gave you a whole continent with the Shipyard, you couldn't afford it. So I got a new deal for you. You'll take command of the House's Scientists and have as much land and men and credits as you'll need. I swear on my honor that none of your demand will be refused.
You'll get full autonomy regarding construction, training and research, for you understand those things better than me or Avery do. But the officers of the ships will swear fealty to the Matriarch, and we'll chose who get a command. We'll also manage all military forces in your cities, and will retain the right to take over in state of great perils. Would that suit you? Not many young star-eyed men get such an opportunity.

Now, tell me more about this mean of protection you've be hinting about. Is it a shield? A weapon?


Quote from: Paul-Henry Spaak
Europe consists only of small countries, some of which know it and some of which don’t yet.


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Re: House of the Rising Suns 2: a Wild Frigate appears
« Reply #399 on: May 19, 2012, 10:26:27 am »

Trent nodded as Roim spoke, the man may be little more then a warrior, but he understood that Trent needed what he asked at least, he gave a slight smile as Roim asked what it was that he had planned. Tapping his hand on the table for a second he spoke, "I will take that deal, all of the military forces I train will be yours except for my personal guard of course, now on to that question you asked. What I will give you is indeed a weapon, or more precisely several. The first of which I call the Nova Cannon, a massive installation built upon the planet able to fire a massive particle beam up into space destroying in ship we deem necessary, of course this one is a long while away, but the others I can achieve very soon. The second weapon is an entire net of Artillery pieces from the Old World built into the city itself, able to reveal themselves at a moments notice, and rain down hundreds of shells upon enemy armies, and wipe them from the face of this earth." After saying that Trent gave a slight smile, his next idea was indeed ingenious, and then continued, "The final weapon I will give you is a legion of automated drones to take to the battlefield when using your own men would be suicide, as you know we can not waste our men fighting battles that will surely kill them. And that is all I have planned right now. Do those ideas seem like fruitful endeavors to you?"


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Re: House of the Rising Suns 2: a Wild Frigate appears
« Reply #400 on: May 19, 2012, 10:40:10 am »

Those sound great. Of course, your priority will be those communication system. Here is a decree making your arrangement with the House Scientists official. You are now our lead scientist, let me congratulate you on the promotion.

Now, concerning those artillery pieces, wouldn't it be better if they were connected to...

It was only two hours later than Trent finally managed to halt Roim's incessant flow of questions. Roim was impressed, how could so much knowledge and ingenuity fit into such a young brain? He almost felt sorry for murdering his parents...


((Would that suit you as a conclusion to our meeting? I can edit it if you've still got things to say)).

Quote from: Paul-Henry Spaak
Europe consists only of small countries, some of which know it and some of which don’t yet.


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Re: House of the Rising Suns 2: a Wild Frigate appears
« Reply #401 on: May 19, 2012, 10:42:11 am »

(( Yep that is a perfect conclusion :) ))


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Re: House of the Rising Suns 2: a Wild Frigate appears
« Reply #402 on: May 20, 2012, 05:24:23 am »

((OOH how i already love seeing everybody going at each others throats. But Ardas is true here, you can assume that the frigate is fully working and not old but newly built. Let's just say that he had some really lucky rolls there. anyway...concerning the AntiAir guns i'll be lenient here and assume that they are already inventory of the Delta 17 fortress...))

Trent's Xenos

[90] Something in your speech brought something to ring in the miserable Xenos. Their attitude turns by 180° at the thought of a chance to see their people alongside the humans and not as mere slaves to them.
However there are still some problems. YOu have a group of 25 Xenos, enough to form a personal guard or a platoon but certainly not enough to form a regiment.

The Inquisitor incident

The sudden movement of the Regiments seems to startle someone up there as you can see even from the ground how it's many Heavy Laser batteries heat up and start to aim at the troops on the ground. Certainly not a good sign. Meanwhile the Archon,Aeverys and Roim are flown to the Hangars of the frigate.
They are welcomed by a cordon of inquisitorial guards, it seems that the ship indeed has big hiding places. Each of them is wearing power armor engraved with verses from the Holy Writ said to be created by the Pancreator himself. One of them approaches you and Aeverys and the Archon (as people who have grown up in the Church) immediately recognise him as somebody important as several seals of purity and fortitude are attached to his armor and other adornings mark him as a venerated veteran of the Inquisitional Guard, all in all the man stands taller than Roim himself, no doubt due to the power armor, which should rather belong into a reliquiarium than on a battlefield. As the guard takes it's helmet ( in which large golden letters with the words: Solum Mors Finits Servitum are inlaid) off you realize that it is a she. Although her head is shaved and tattoed with more Verses of Repentance and Purity, she is rather attractive. Her voice is deep and sounds as though she has smoked a bit much, until you see that she is carrying a flamethrower ( with strange bones hanging from it, which the Archon could identify as belonging to a Dead Saint), which propably explains her smoky voice. She eyes the Archon with a deep disdain.

"The Pancreator may have mercy upon you. Lord Archon your misguided beliefs should be sin enough but alas the High Archon has not declared your sect heretical. No you are here for something else but it is for Inquisitor Joras to decide your punishment, for no brother shalt sit court over another lest he rises himself over him. And thus the Pancreator decreed that some brothers shall judge us all."

As one the Guards make the sign of the Pancreator " As it is proclaimed and decreed by Holy Writ"

She turns to Aeverys and Roim. "Lady Aeverys, you of all should have known that a marriage should be consummated by a true brother and not a misguided one like Garth. But this too is not the sin you will stand before Inquisitor Joras today. In fact your slothfullness is the sin you have to answer for..."

She looks at Roim furrows her brows and merely spits one word out. "Babarian"

"I hereby officially arrest you for your sins in the Name of the Pancreator and hand over your souls to the Unquestionable Verdict of Inquisitor Joras."

The guards surround you and you are ushered forward to the bridge...


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Re: House of the Rising Suns 2: a Wild Frigate appears
« Reply #403 on: May 20, 2012, 05:35:29 am »

((I told ya y'all heretics! But don't worry, I will grease some wheels and I will have you out in no time ;D))

Luthias could only submit himself to the higher authority. As expected, Inquisition had no love for his group and the recent murder of one of inquisitorial investigators while in his quarters made the matters worse. But this was an opportunity that could not be missed. He presented himself to the Nova familty as their confessor, so it would be possible to speak on their behalf in front of the inqusitor.
This was a favour that neither Averys and Roim could pass up. Even though she was brought up in Church, Averys would need all the help she could get, while Roim would be clinging on to Luthias just to save his miserable barbarian skin.

The inquisitor did not know how much of a favour he just did to the archon of Si'kar...

"Sister, I humbly submit myself to the judgement of my brothers and rest my presence in your custody. Fulfill the orders of the inquisitor and lead us to him. but before we get there, I wish to briefly speak with these two.."
He pointed at Roim and Averys.

He then turned to the "Heretics" and spoke quietly:
"If you want to save your skins, you should follow my instructions and do nothing that would make you look worse in the eyes of the inquisitor. Averys, you know what to do, try remebering all the stuff you were apparently taught in the convents... And Roim, its clear that they don't like you ,even though you recently converted. So say nothing until I tell you too. Since I'm the confessor for the both of you, I will try to deflect you from the worst of inquisitorial questions. But remember, you owe me big for this."

He finished and started following the guards to the bridge.
« Last Edit: May 20, 2012, 05:56:58 am by Ardas »


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Re: House of the Rising Suns 2: a Wild Frigate appears
« Reply #404 on: May 20, 2012, 07:06:11 am »


You silently sneak towards the Frigate and enter through a Maintenance Hatch. Clambering through several of the Maintenance tunnels and airducts you make your way into a small chamber. The room is dark except for the light of a Personal Computer Terminal that silently hums. You can't really see much of the display as a person has fallen asleep over it...
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