Averys had dismissed them both. She needed time to think.
A legacy for the both of them, steeped in blood and glory. A thousand worlds bathed in righteous flame. Her soldiers marching, marching, trampling over all foes. A banner raised on every world.
And an heir. She supposed in time, she might even grow fond of Roin. He was like her, in every way that mattered. To all outward appearances, he would respect her as she deserved.
This world would be hers.
A marriage with Garth. It would risk...everything. No guarantee of an heir. And she knew her knowledge of manipulating politics was a poor one. She had not wanted to get involved in these...games. Not while her House was in such a tenuous position.
But, if the church should fall, Humanity would be lost. But, if they should win...things could change. Long odds either way.
Her heart said to turn inward while rejecting the greater chance of glory, of serving the Pancreator-was cowardly. Choose Garth, it whispered...
But, her mind said that Roin would give her the power to rule this world-and many others. If she was patient...and smart. It was the logical choice, the better choice for the house.
She sighed.
First Meeting: The Legacy
She did not bandy words with Roin.
"...It shall be be King Roin. I am yours. You are mine. We will be married.
We shall carve a bloody furrow in this world, together-lay waste to your legion of foes. And then the stars beyond, awaiting our grasp. They will fear us.
I will enshrine your legacy by birthright. And your legacy...will become our legacy."
She took his large hands in her own and smiled.
"In truth? I can't think of a more worthy man than you, to beholden myself to. You are strong, Roin. You carry your scars. I can imagine us sharing more than mere political expedience."
Averys was actually being honest-for once. She shrugged. It was a nearly impossible choice. But, she had made it all the same. Now to see if it was the right one...
Third Meeting: The Changer of Ways
Averys called him back.
"I've thought of it, Garth.
You ask too much. I cannot marry you.
This world...my world, is in chaos. It must be brought to Heel. I will help you in any way I can-count me an ally in every way.
But, in the end, I must do what is right for my house. I hope you understand.
...I only warn. Once this world is under my House, I will look upon your offer more favorably. Do not throw away your life too hastily-remember that I am your friend, and as my power grows, so does yours. One day, my position will be stronger."
Averys dipped her head. She felt like she betraying Garth, to die on the ramparts of his enemies. But he was smart, she had reasoned-with luck, he could hold the line...until she took this world.