Nova Holdings:
120 Parcels Wild Lands Pop 120
100 Parcels Farmsteads Pop 100
1 Parcel Fortress City Pop 3
1 Parcel L1 Hive City Pop 20 Xen 6
3 Parcels City Pop 15
20 Parcels Towns Pop 60
The Former Distribution in the two Regions:
1 Parcel Fortress City Pop 3
1 Parcel L1 Hive City Pop 20 Xen 6
3 Parcels City Pop 15
The Reaches:
120 Parcels Wild Lands Pop 120
100 Parcels Farmsteads Pop 100
20 Parcels Towns Pop 60
As i see it Sheb has the lone right on the Reaches and Azthor/Dwarmin on the Corelands. This means until anybody decides to divide his lands Otherwise they will be split the following way:
120 Parcels Wild Lands Pop 120
71 Parcels Farmstead Pop 71
20 Parcels Towns Pop 60
1 Parcel Fortress City Pop 3
1 Parcel L1 Hive City Pop 20 Xen 6
3 Parcels City Pop 15
29 Parcels Farmsteads Pop 29
1 Parcel Fortress City Pop 3
That means:
will go without land for the Time-Being until your lords and Ladies have decided how to piece it up. now to the Military. Due to this new Land System all Support figures will be deleted. I know some of you hav einvested quite the Effort to turn stuff their way and i am sorry but this is just too stupidly complex especially if we go into the late-game. Military Units will be distributed according to Land.
Infantry has several slots which can be filled, with upgrades you get when you research technologies. The template looks the following:
"Name of Regiment" Infantry
Experience: Green/Militia/Regular/Bloodied/Veteran/Legends (you can pay to up this up to Regular, from there on they need real battle experience)
Origin: Ordinary, Frontier, Hiveborn, Spacer... ( where this unit was recruited, can have positive and negative impacts)
Weapons: Clubs,Lasers, Fusion-Beams...
Armor: Naked, Power-Armoured....
Special: (depending on Kind of Special, these might be bought or are gained by a unit Example: "Genetically-Modified" has to be bought whereas "Mad" is gained through certain circumstances the Unit has to endure. Soldiers on Swamp planets may get bonuses from that...etc.
Regiments and Divisions
Due to the increasing Number of Units and the Micromanagment coming with those i might group together Regiments to Divisions. Divisions are nothing else but larger Units of Regiments, grouped together for easier Managment.
Vehicle Regiments will work the same way as Infantry Regiments. In fact they are Infantry Regiments with Vehicle Upgrades.
I will come to those when they become relevant.
Current Division of Military Units:
2 Regiments Power-Armoured Regulars (Regular,Fortressborn,Imperial Weaponry,Power-Armoured)
1 Regiment Motorized Regulars (Regular, Fortressborn,Imperial Weaponry,Flak-Armour, Trucks)
51 Regiments Regulars(Regular,Frontiermen,Imperial Weaponry,Flak-Armour,Babarians)
5 Regiments Serfs(Green,Ordinary,Arquebuses,Leather-Armour,Peasants)
1 Regiment Xeno Militia (Militia,Xenos,Imperial Weaponry,Flak-Armour,Loyal)
1 Regiment House Guard(Veteran,Nobleborn,Imperial Weaponry,Power Armoured,Loyal,Genetically Engineered)
EDIT: just saw i mixed something up with Dwarmin and Shebs holdings...
Fake-Edit 2: everyone of you can field a Personal Guard, which gets the Perk Nobleborn instead of any other. Though only the Matriarch/Patriarch may field Power-Armoured House Guards. THe current lsit of Upgrades, their Meanings and the parcels will be listed on the front Post. This done, Dwarmin if you want i can write something up that you can go from your "Plot-Prison" although i had some nice ideas concerning Vengeance but as you apparently don't want any of it, ill just let a year pass and be done with it.