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Author Topic: HOTRS II: Dead Roots Stirring Toxic Season 104AE  (Read 60961 times)


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Re: House of the Rising Suns 2: Here comes the Bride,.. (1 Noble Place Open)
« Reply #165 on: January 17, 2012, 12:02:20 pm »

Nono it's ok, i'm just having some exams starting the next two weeks and well, my time for this will be limited during them...but ill do what i can XP

First Meeting
((OOC: im using the You are King Duel mechanics here...and i assume that a Wireblade is a normal sword with a Monofilament-thread at its sharp side...))

Roin merely grinned, and waited for your first charge, [2 vs.6] which he easily dodges.
[6 vs. 4] although you soon realize that he is as proficient as you with this weapon, he is one moment to late when your first hit him, a glance hit on the Shoulder. However the effect is stunning: the whole shoulder is cut open and bleeds profusly. [2HP Roin]
[6 vs.3] a counter attack by him is easily evaded and as he dives past you you give him a glancing hit on the right arm, nearly cutting through it. [1HP Roin]
[6 vs. 5] The fight is gradually heating up, you using your weapon with grace and beauty dancing around Roin, who although surely a old veteran in such duels, is gradually using gound and more occupied with escaping your blows than anything else. [4] He somehow manages to escape your next hit and now is in a favourable position to land a square hit on you. [1 v 5] Before you can react he finally lands his first blow, and nearly cutting off your swordhand. You stare in this belief at the two fingerstumps and charge at him.[2Hp Aeverys]
 [6 v 5] With mighty strokes you force him to dodge again and again [1] until you hit him square on his swordhand which reels off and directly into the hands of Malcador, who calmly calls for the medical teams...
Roin himself isn't that calm however, screaming he grabs his arm stump and falls to his knees. Panting he stare up to you
I...guess...i have lost.
he grins up to you awaiting the killing blow.

Second Meeting

Xarnos showed another of those broad,predatory grins. He did the formally required curtsy and other greeting ceremonies perfect in form and when he kissed Averys hand he merely brushed it with his lips, as was awaited by a nobleman.

Indeed mylady Aeverys Nova. I am here to offer you a marriage and an alliance between our two houses. But shouldn't business been spoken over a drink and something to eat?

the way he spoke,the way he looked while he spoke reduced all of the assembled guards, personnel and maybe even Lady Aeverys to little schoolchildren who had forgotten their homework or babarians who have never been at a court or knew any of it's courtesies and habits.

Third Meeting
((OOC: from your description i suddenly have the Face of the Shepherd from Firefly in mind, especially the HAIR! XDDDDDD))
A grin shone on Archon Garth's face.

THe fear of my entourage lies not in you bringing me to temptation but rather me bringing you to temptation. THings have changed over the last weeks Aeverys, things have changed...

The smile turned a shade sadder... but finally the Inquisitor nodded and Garth followed Aeverys

The Fourth Meeeting

Le Grombe rearranged his glasses.
Interesting. It seems my advisors were for once right. I doubted them that the great Lady Averys would take pleasure in such ridiculous shows, but it seems i was wrong...Anyway it is a pleasure to meet you Miss Aeverys.

he reached out his hand for a handshake, a thin smile on his face that spoke in a million facettes of how much he resented the woman in front of him...

« Last Edit: January 17, 2012, 12:54:50 pm by Ghazkull »


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Re: House of the Rising Suns 2: Here comes the Bride,.. (1 Noble Place Open)
« Reply #166 on: January 17, 2012, 01:17:04 pm »

First Meeting

((OOC: @Ghaz: Technically this was supposed to be only to first blood :P I'll let it slide if we can all these plot injuries cleared up!))

Averys stands over him a moment, wireblade at the ready. She needed everyone to know how he had been bested. That she would rather kill him or die herself, then be a slave.

"You face death with no fear, King Roin. You know now, neither do I.

We are both Warriors-and today I decide to spare you."

She deactivated the killiing weapon, flicked the blood off, and extended her uninjured hand to help him up.

"Let's get ourselves attended to. My House Medics cans till reattach severed limbs, unless you'd prefer to leave yours off..."

Averys grinned, breathing hard, sweat and blood trickling down her brow.

Second Meeting

Averys nodded a bit absently. She couldn't get a clear thought in her head.

"Indeed-food and drink should be summoned...and we can speak the particulars...of our marriage." She agreed, smiling pleasantly-quite unlike her usual self.

And yet, her training was coming back to her...she was not entirely senseless anymore.

Third Meeting

Aeverys lead Garth into her office-recently renovated, she had knocked down all the walls and opened it up to the air, making it one large room with her heavy wooden desk, fully stock firearms cabinet, fireplace and sitting chairs, and a large plush bed with red silk sheets...

It was the bed she chose to recline upon as Garth followed behind her. She smiled with a measure of guile.

"Do tell, have things changed?"

Fourth Meeting

Aeverys resisted the urge to anger-if he resented her, why was he here? No, she wanted to see how this played out-she was curious.

She shook his hand with a full smile of her own.

"One must be careful not to put much stock in advisors, Sir LeGrombe. They don't nearly have your best interests at heart...not like a trusted confidante would."
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: House of the Rising Suns 2: Here comes the Bride,.. (1 Noble Place Open)
« Reply #167 on: February 13, 2012, 05:18:26 pm »

((OOC: Well i am going to update this this week just a quick check if there is still interest in this...exams are over on thursday and then i have finally time again to do this :D))


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Re: House of the Rising Suns 2: Here comes the Bride,.. (1 Noble Place Open)
« Reply #168 on: February 13, 2012, 05:21:45 pm »

((Still interested in this.))
Quote from: evictedSaint
We sided with the holocaust for a fucking +1 roll


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Re: House of the Rising Suns 2: Here comes the Bride,.. (1 Noble Place Open)
« Reply #169 on: February 13, 2012, 05:34:25 pm »

(( I'm still interested of course :) Also grats on getting through Exams))


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Re: House of the Rising Suns 2: Here comes the Bride,.. (1 Noble Place Open)
« Reply #170 on: February 13, 2012, 06:00:45 pm »

(I would love to continue)
Raggle Fraggle


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Re: House of the Rising Suns 2: Here comes the Bride,.. (1 Noble Place Open)
« Reply #171 on: February 13, 2012, 06:47:53 pm »

((naturally. I was sort of thinking that I was the last player left..

Good to see everyone is coming back))
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: House of the Rising Suns 2: Here comes the Bride,.. (1 Noble Place Open)
« Reply #172 on: February 14, 2012, 07:06:53 am »

( ah great interest still there :D, now you just have to be patient till i finished the last exam on thursday: hunting-economy


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Re: House of the Rising Suns 2: Here comes the Bride,.. (1 Noble Place Open)
« Reply #173 on: February 18, 2012, 02:53:45 pm »

((OOC: OK an update...hopefully we get the wedding thing done teh others can join in again...))

First Meeting


After intense Medical Attention the two of you meet again in the dining hall.

I am no man of many words i have proven myself worthy or not?

Second Meeting

At the Dinner Table Xarnos finally stops beating around the bush. Aeverys as you know, House Cr'tok has it's problems with the church, which through the intervention of House Nova is getting more influential than we could like. Therefore i propose a marriage and a fusion of our houses. We get out of the Church's sight and you benefit from our technology...

Third Meeting

Garth took a deep breath...

We had a Church Conclave. I am not allowed to tell you everything but, some of them support my case and others don' marriage proposal alone...has caused...tensions. In other words, a marriage would cause a Schism inside the Church...

as he explained what exactly happened, his face turns sadder by the minute. The High-Archon along with over three quarters of the Archon stood adamant in the case of marriage, and explaining that the current High-Archon Benediktus III. was a former Inquisitor, you realize that this marriage could cause a shift in the Universes Power not seen since the Founding of the Empire or a whole bunch of burned worlds, drenched in cleansing flames by the Church.

Fourth Meeting

LeGrombe felt clearly uncomfortable with the smile of Lady Aeverys. After a meal taken in silence, LeGrombe cut to the chase. "My Dear Lady Aeverys, to be true my motives are not of love but rather of business. What i want to offer your house is nothing but a deal..."

in his explanations it becomes clear that he wants a fusion of House Nova and his business, the marriage merely being a show for the lowly masses. You don't fail to notice that he throws a gladdened grin to one of his male servants when he has finished, who gleams at him with the look of a lover...

((OOC: ok horribly continuation of the thing but i have forgotten to make any notices about these Characters and how i wanted to develop them...thus quick finishing of the thing...:/


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Re: House of the Rising Suns 2: Here comes the Bride,.. (1 Noble Place Open)
« Reply #174 on: February 18, 2012, 04:19:52 pm »

First Meeting


Averys smiled, running a hand over Roins wounds. The ones she caused...she was glad to see his hand was working again.

"You have. But now it it is up to me to the final decision.

...tell me, Roin. Why did you choose me? I will appreciate your honesty, if nothing else...but if we are to move forward, it would be as equals."

She leaned back in her chair. Averys could stand being used, as much as she used him. She just couldn't stand being ignored.

Second Meeting

Averys took a moment to wipe her hand with her napkin, smiling vacantly. But her mind was shielded once more.

Then she responded.

"...I believe, we are at odds. I have given thought to your proposal. this case, I see only one of us being the superior. One house would live, the other be absorbed, as is the way of all things.

You sir, are a predator. Much like me. Neither of us would be content to...serve under...the other, for long. So, let us be honest. It will not work.

I thank you for your time, Xarnos. You may avail yourself of my hospitality as long as you like."


Third Meeting

Averys breathed out, her fists clenched. Could she risk this? The church would be all but destroyed-and her house along with it, more likely than not...but, if they should win...

"Damn them."

Hypocrites all. The Inquisitors. Shirkers of the Pancreators duty, to protect mankind. They burned Noble homes accused of Warlockery, looting them for profit at the same time. Shamed Garth, a good man, for seeking marriage...while they enjoyed their mistresses behind closed doors. Would Averys but given the hammer and the means to smite them...

She got up off the bed and approached Garth, sashaying gently. She took his left hand.

"Garth. We have been friends for many years. Closer than friends at times.

Tell me the truth. Why would you risk marrying me? Surely, with all the forces arrayed against is madness to even think of it. So why are you here?"

Fourth Meeting

Averys dropped the mask of obeisance. She remained polite...but only so much.

"...that's all you see, isn't it? Wealth, value, business.

I can admire that. But that's not what I'm looking for in a husband.

I suppose it's true-the merchant fears what may not be purchased, for he cannot comprehend a thing that is priceless? Well, my trust and courtship are not for sale...Mr. Le Grombe.

...ah, but I know you sir-being a businessman, you will not allow this to ruin our economic relationship, the chance for profit. Perhaps trade pacts can still be forged, eh?"

In this way, Averys let him down as gently as she could-under the circumstances...


OOC: I'll make my decision after the last responses, Ghaz. :P

I've rejected the other two, so quick turn is go.
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


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Re: House of the Rising Suns 2: Here comes the Bride,.. (1 Noble Place Open)
« Reply #175 on: February 19, 2012, 01:41:55 pm »

Rigos had decided to seperate himself from minor issues of the court and decided to mend the relationships with the minor lords through a bit of diplomatic action. He had decided to travel to each lordship individually starting with the most important

(The reason why I kinda stopped posting is because Dwarmin never really responded to my last question but I'll just roll with it I guess.)
Raggle Fraggle


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Re: House of the Rising Suns 2: Here comes the Bride,.. (1 Noble Place Open)
« Reply #176 on: February 19, 2012, 03:39:18 pm »

((OOC: After this whole Marriage thing you guys have to repost your actions, i somehow lost the track over the weeks))

First Meeting: The Legacy

Roin leaned forward, his elbows resting on his knees. Aeverys, i am a soldier. I have always been one and will always be one. Send me into a battle and i will win it for you. But i am by no means a Ruler. Yes, at the moment i have the biggest empire on this planet, but when i will break apart. Even if i make a heir, you can be sure that one of my Generals will ignore his claim. This way or another, i will leave no legacy.
Maybe i will somehow be remembered as Roin, the Conqueror. But what i have forged together will break apart. I will leave nothing. However, you are of noble birth. When you die your heirs will take up whatever you left behind and nobody will dispute it from them.
You have defeated me in battle that shows that you are worthy to be my wife, my mistress. Marry me and i will drown a thousand worlds in blood if you wish so, if you only grant me a generalship, a heir and a lasting legacy.

Third Meeting: The Changer of Ways

Garth frowned. You of all should know that best Aeverys, you who has suffered so much and seen things some of these ignorant fools wouldn't believe. That what was once great is now a decaying carcass. Me and my followers believe that we need a New Emperor, somebody who will restore that what was once lost. The Orthodoxy will cling to what remains of their power till even that vanishes and we fall back into the Dark Ages. We need to restore an Emperor to the throne and he needs the support of the Church if he wants to prevail. And what better way than a marriage between Church and Emperor, between the Power on Earth and the Power in the Void?



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Re: House of the Rising Suns 2: Assassins,Plagues,Chaos... (1 Noble Place Open)
« Reply #177 on: February 19, 2012, 03:50:21 pm »

"I need no Xeno slave. I'll find Renard myself."

Head north, Track Renard.
Quote from: evictedSaint
We sided with the holocaust for a fucking +1 roll


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Re: House of the Rising Suns 2: Assassins,Plagues,Chaos... (1 Noble Place Open)
« Reply #178 on: February 19, 2012, 03:56:55 pm »

Renard sat in a room filled with his other leaders, and let out a deep sigh before speaking "Well its time we begin. Dispatch scouts, and find the nearest Church Storehouses, and find their supply train routes. We will hit them in one swift blow, take their supplies, and disappear into the night. We must do to this quickly now lets begin." Renard stood up, and looked out the windows of his new fortress, it was a ramshackle place with huts scattered about, and a partially completed wooden palisade surrounding it. "The war begins now ..." he says, and his voice echoes as the rest of his commanders leave to prepare for the coming campaign.

Find Church Storehouses, and Supply Routes. Put five of my Serf Regiments into reinforcing the area we are in with Wooden Palisades, and Trenches filled with sharpened stakes. Also send an envoy to the Xenos requesting Cavalry support.


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Re: House of the Rising Suns 2: Here comes the Bride,.. (1 Noble Place Open)
« Reply #179 on: February 19, 2012, 04:23:58 pm »

Is there still a place open or is it simply that the title has yet to be updated?
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