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Author Topic: HOTRS II: Dead Roots Stirring Toxic Season 104AE  (Read 60948 times)


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((OOC: I assume it's okay that I have pre-fall weaponry?))

"Well, considering that most of my recent tragets have been so woefully incompetant, I'm not too surprised." His breath, sweet in scent, betrayed the fact that he had indulged himslef in some cake, probably stolen from the kitchens. His tone of voice hinted a a bit of happyness from seeing a good friend (And a great source of income) again

When he did emerge, Aeverys could tell that in a shootout, she would technically be outmatched, if only by technology, by his prefall sidearms

"Huh, when did you swap your old weapons for that, seems a bit anachronistic and ineffective. Still, it looks okay, though that just means it's ornamental."

He the leant back on a nearby wall, smirking.

"What can I say, the pay was shit, the jobs boring and the employers dullards or fools. I'd hardly be surprised that I return to you."
Quote from: evictedSaint
We sided with the holocaust for a fucking +1 roll


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Aeverys shrugged-an innocent gesture.

"You know more than anyone, Tavius-what's beautiful can be me....and all I need is one shot anyway."

In another twist in their little game of prospective assassination tango, Aeverys did not mention how the guns firepower had been significantly upgraded from what it's anachronistic design suggested-it was a mass driver weapon, in fact, capable of punching a hole through a mans torso.

"Well, I'm glad you are here, Taivius. So much work to be done...I assume you are still available for pest removal, correct?"

Aeverys smirked, and stepped a bit closer to him-risky. She put her arm on the wall opposite of him, leaning up to look into his eyes. It was nothing so crass as lust, at least not to her-more like two predators facing one another, looking for weaknesses.
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


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"Heh, you were always the wolf in sheepskin Aeverys. And since I've just finished my last freelancing job... Name the target and you know the rest."

Of course, Taivus knew what Aeverys was capable of, having seen her fighting a while back. And this'll mean that I can finally have an excuse to burn a few bits of church property...
Quote from: evictedSaint
We sided with the holocaust for a fucking +1 roll


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Ssalosin was enjoying a walk through the Towers' hallways, thinking of a way to save as many as possible. Until I rounded a corner. Aeverys and an unknown, probably an assassin judging by his gait and weapons.

"Sorry. Did I come at a bad time?"

We nneded more food, and medicine. This plague could take too much, and we would be too weak to carry the flame of unification. He did Order the scientists to check the frigate for Weaponry, and research a possible cure, and got construction workers to Build More Farms, also to Build Power Plants..

"Sister, who is this man?"

A very intriguing character, and that was just a first look.
Kestrel, ITS A TRAP! It's luring you into false security! DON'T FALL FOR IT!!
Tomb of Horrors can pretty much be summarized by "ackbar.jpg"


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Rigos was walking in the Palace halls, It had been awhile since he had been in the Palace last and He figured he would drop in after giving the well received speech about the Frigate. He had been shadowing Ssalosin for a bit,Despite his age and size he still was skilled in the art of subterfuge ,he figured that he would lead to his sister and then he could begin discussion. He was surprised to spot Taivus,  He had heard that their separation was somewhat jagged.

Rigos stepped in beside Ssalosin to make himself visable and and raised his chrome hand to wave with a slight smile.

Well Hello everyone. Has everything been doing well, Nice to see you again on this side Taivus.
Raggle Fraggle


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Ssalosin was suprised that everyone knew him... Apart from him

"Can someone explain who this is?"
Kestrel, ITS A TRAP! It's luring you into false security! DON'T FALL FOR IT!!
Tomb of Horrors can pretty much be summarized by "ackbar.jpg"


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Aeverys assumed Ssalosin was being deliberately dense.

"Really, brother-feigned ignorance is not your strong suit. I'm sure you know this is Tavius Seiviot-my right hand enforcer again as of a few minutes ago.

He knows the arts of subtlety, better than anyone.

The Pancreator deemed me to work in the light-Tavius here works in the shadows. Do I need to be more blatant?"

Indeed-Aeverys had used him often, as much as he used her. Maybe Tavius had been a tool to her at first-one she had feared would be turned upon eventually-but now he was a bit more.

She had enjoyed when Tavius pulled off his missions so well that no one could determine if it was an accident or deliberate. She liked to think of the whispers of peasants, fearful of the Pancreators wrath striking down the unjust...

"And, before any of you formulate your own dark designs, I would warn you Tavius is my personal agent and...a friend. Do not attempt to force him to work for you-though he may do so of his own free will-and do not waste his talents against unworthy prey, or send him into danger needlessly.

Is this understood?"

The warning in Aeverys eyes is clear enough.
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


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"Well it's nice to see that I'm suddenly more important than the church in these times, but I'm afraid that I'll have to cut you short after I get my target from Aeverys in private. So if you kind sirs would be prudent enough to leave us be?"

Tavius was starting tto get nervous. He wasn't used to groups of people where he could be apprehended with ease...
Quote from: evictedSaint
We sided with the holocaust for a fucking +1 roll


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"Of course, don't let me keep you"

So, the assassin has returned. No doubt Sister would unleash him on her before too long.

I walk back to the throne room.
Kestrel, ITS A TRAP! It's luring you into false security! DON'T FALL FOR IT!!
Tomb of Horrors can pretty much be summarized by "ackbar.jpg"


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Aeverys laughed at Ssalosins back as he scurried away. She though...yes, it was a scurry. There had even been a flash of fear in his face.

Even Tavius must have seen it. She could sense him tensing his talons, like a Hawk who just spotted it's prey.

"Well, I believe you made a good impression Tavius. He flinched."

She motioned for him to follow her to her quarters, leaving Rigos in silence, to decide what he would.


Aeverys brought out two glasses and wine-her best stock, brewed by Sanctuary Aeon monks in the foothills. She found it was best to slightly dull the wits before engaging in such things as she was about to. Ordering another mans-or womans-death was not so easy on the conscience-since she preferred to do it herself.

She poured him a glass, and handed it to him. She was sitting behind her desk, reclining in her favorite easy chair. A good place for what she had to do.

"Drink, Tavius."

Instead of waiting for a response, she sipped her own, and manipulated a small device under the desk. She knew enough of technology to have gotten her engineers to make her the scrambler-which helpfully disabled electronic ears her enemies had used against her before.

...and thus, she began to speak of the target. Casually.

"You wanted a challenging job? I've got one for you-a King. Your highest personal mark yet, I believe. Then again, you probably already knew all this-you certainly showed up at an opportune time."

She grinned. The thought of King Renard dead was a pleasing one. As it was to many these days-even Renards own family had been ashamed at his actions, and the rumors were the mans retinue was growing smaller every day as his funds ran out. Soldier need to be paid-only foolish idealists though soldiers merely worked for loyalty.

Hmph. Loyalty would not feed a hungry belly, or warm your family in winter. Loyalty was something you earned-the least, was being able to provide for your soldiers. How long could he do that for them?

"Well, he's not much of a King anymore, so maybe he doesn't count. Damn fool lost his kingdom. He's on the run, trying to gather support among the Xenos to fight us. I need you to end his miserable life."

Aeverys grinned, leaning forward.

"Payment is quarter of an imperial credit...unless you can kill him in your special way. So no one can be sure if it was you or the Pancreators 'divine will' that struck him down. In that case, I'll pay you a full half credit, at the cost of your reputation I guess.

In fact, you can earn your double pay through many means-bring him back to me alive, for example-or kill him in an amusingly humiliating way. I leave the specifics up to you, naturally."

And thus, the contract was set. She fished a target profile from her desk and handed it to him. If he took the file-he took the job.
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


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Tavius sat opposite Aeverys, casually sipping the wine and waiting for her offer.

"I guess I did, guess the pancreator's will strikes when it needs to the most."
A king. This would certanly be a prestigeous achievement for him if he could pull it off, espcially by making it look like a divine accident.

"Huh, A foolish Xeno sympathiser. Should be fun taking him down, provided he actually HAS a skilled bodyguard."
He chuckled at the thought of an exile king actually having a retainer that would be able to stop the Hawk.

"Payment is acceptable, Target shall be dealt with methods as applicable."

The file was snatched up into Seiviot's hands, then the assassin himself dissappears completely from the room, save for an empty wineglass left on the table near where he was sitting. Tavius opened the files to see who the mark was...
Quote from: evictedSaint
We sided with the holocaust for a fucking +1 roll


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Aeverys poured herself another glass of wine-completely confident that Seiviot would complete his mission. Well, mostly confident. He hadn't failed her yet, and she supposed the day he did, was the day he died. It was shame the Pancreator would never accept his soul, unrepentant Heathen he was-and yet, that was part of the allure. The Church was a hammer that crushed her enemies into dust-and Tavius was the unassuming blade that slipped between the cracks in their armor.

She had even offered the bonus pay-it was a little thing, between them, something between friends. If she offered him extra money on a conditional basis, it was personal mission to her, and a professional goal to him. She had seen the shadows in him shift at her challenge.
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


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Rigos shrugged and folded his hands behind his back as he walked back to interact with his Regiments and to make sure they were briefed and prepared to assist in the planting and harvest season, he figured he would remain unaligned in whatever sibling quarrels come up. He just wanted to protect the House that their father had built. But he still would need to interact with the two, he could not complete all of his goals with only two Regiments.

Rigos walked over to Aeverys's quarters . He pressed his ear to the door and did hear the low rustle of conversation and then a swish, He figured that the Assassin leaving, He rapped once to signal himself and pushed the door open slowly as to not cause alarm. He walked in with his hands behind his back and shutting the door behind himself
Aevery's a moment? As you know I had been committing my regiments to internal improvements, But I feel that my two will not be enough to work the fields and provide security during this time of unrest. I figure you can spare me some regiments considering your blade has decided to arrive...
A smirk appeared on his face only for a moment only to disappear
And all we have remaining is small Xeno warbands to fight, Some of the more low bred men are practically asking to be disbanded to return to the fields but I figure why not just commit a few of our regiments to protecting ourself in a different manner, In this case Milady...Not Starving to Death
Raggle Fraggle


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Re: House of the Rising Suns 2: Assassins,Plagues,Chaos... (1 Noble Place Open)
« Reply #118 on: December 22, 2011, 07:30:50 am »

Aevery noticed the smirk. Was that a joke, or a subtle threat? It was sometimes hard to tell with Rigos.

"Won't you drink with me, Rigos? We used to drink before and after our battles, remember?"

She smiled back, anyway-filling the empty glass of wine Seiviot had left, and motioning for him to sit and drink.

"Anyway, I don't need farmers in my army, anyway-they tend to make poor cannon fodder, considering they keep us all from starving to death.

I'll assign one of my regiments to help with argriculture, as per your request."

Aeverys drummed her fingers on the desk.

"A shame my brother is not handling these problems, don't you think, Rigos? That he leaves it to his Warmongers?

You maybe think, he seems as head of the house, somewhat lax in his duties? Let me hear your thoughts. You can speak freely here-I have armed it against electronic intruders. And mundane intruders. You'd be surprised how easy it is to rig pressure plates outside ones door to warn of snoopers."

Aeverys grinned. She had no such thing-though it was a good idea-but how would he know?
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


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Re: House of the Rising Suns 2: Assassins,Plagues,Chaos... (1 Noble Place Open)
« Reply #119 on: December 22, 2011, 09:28:29 am »

Rigos traced a deep, straight scar that followed along his Jawbone with his finger with a far off look before snaping slowly back to Aevery
Yes, Yes we did. But I figure I can again.
He settled down carefully into his seat and took the glass, swirling the wine and whiffing it, for reasons two-fold, Rigos was still a connoisseur and he was seeing if anything was off about it,  When he detected no modification he sipped  and made himself comfortable. He smiled and nodded when another regiment as appropriated. He chuckled at her statement and took a walk around her quarters over exaggerating a few of his steps

Aevery... I was at one time a bodyguard to your father,So I atleast pretend to know about security So I can say this, Bluffs of security do not will not protect you as well as actual security. And I know you dont have anything on your door. So remedying that may be on your list.

He sipped from the wine and leaned back in the chair he was seated.

I will speak nonetheless. Personally I think its curious that We are dealing with these situations, Its curious that your Brother had not been as active as he is needed but the source of these issues is farther ranging, We are carrying to much momentum into this problem, maybe even disaster. We need to slow things down and solve our problems before we continue on doing as we are doing.
Raggle Fraggle
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